Group Calendar and Mystery Tank

I play regularly with a group of 10-15 people who are on and off at different times of the day and week, and recently another wave of 3-4 have hit level 70 after a long trek up on new toons after having either switched from Alliance to Horde, or having moved servers entirely to be with friends.

A bunch of these guys are friends IRL so it makes it all the more fun to play together, and we're all over 20 with half over 35 so we all are on very similar life stages, which makes it a nice, relaxed, friendly environment.

Friends Hitting 70, Scheduling Runs

With these recent set of players hitting level 70, we decided to try a dungeon run scheduling program to coordinate our needs and efforts. Our guild had something similar before BC came out and we had 250 toons and 175 accounts and had lots of action and commotion, but since we shrunk down to a social soloing guild for the most part, we haven't had the need.

But now, the need is presenting itself, so we tried out a couple of programs.

Started with GEM3, but it was too overwhelmingly detailed with too many screens, and setting up a shared line with another guild didn't function correctly from what I could tell.

So, we went with Group Calendar, which we had used years before but ditched because people with alts had a lot of "disappearing events" problems. We're hoping those have been largely rectified as most of us are altoholics.

Events Scheduled By Many

A few of us have created events of various sorts, and we've done one or two of the runs successfully and gotten more people set up with the addon and configured with our shared data channel. I scheduled the first Heroics event for today, for Heroic Steam Vaults on my Frost Mage, as I'm on the trek to get my Champion of the Naruu title before it's no longer attainable.

One of my Healer friends signed up right away, and another marked himself as unable to come due to work, just to let me know he was interested but couldn't go at that time.

Then, this morning I log in and there's a tank signed up for the run - yay!

But... Who's This?

But, I don't know the tank. His name is vaguely familiar and he's geared for Heroics according to Be Imba!, but he's not in our guild, and he's been largely guildless over the last 6 months from what I can see of his record on Warcraft Realms...

I wonder what alt he has where, and who he'll turn out to be? :)

Warrior tank, geared for Heroics, I'm happy to have you sign up for our runs, I hope it works out :)