warhammer End Game

I've been reading various threads here of people getting to tier 4 and being disappointed, this is obviously worrying for me as I am only level 20 and still enjoying the game. Does War have an end game? Is it just more scenarios but no open keep raiding zones like in DAOC? Can someone who is level 40 please help me understand what its like when you've gotten there.

This game has much more end game content at release than most games that have been out for 2 or 3 years. If you want to worry about end game content then try looking at RFO (at release we couldn't even get past level 28 with a max level of 50, due to a soft cap of at level 28 everything stopped giving xp).

IMO WAR doesnt have an end game, but more of a continuous game, all levels from 1-40 can PvE and PvP their hearts out, there will always be a keep need taking, a tower need defending, or someone squishy to beat round the head with a rubber fish of dhoom.

Theres a lot of whine from the level 40s at present, but read between the lines and youll find they are bored because they pushed max level so fast, they didnt stop to think if no one else is 40, im gonna be all alone... and so they dont have any chums to play with. However people are slowly catching up, and so 40 RvR is picking up gradually.

Beleive me, this like any forum is full of dhoooom sayers who think the world is about to end, but in reality, they know it isnt.

End game needs a lot of polish. I want a relic system like in daoc.

But right now, we have a gear grind and renown grind.

I don't mind it that much since pvp is fun but I want an incentive that is really fun or gives a lot of bragging rights rather than grinding.