war Im on a low pop server. what to do?

I play on an EU server that is low/med in primetime hours.

I'm a level 31 runepriest. Becuase its low pop there is literally no-one to quest with. So i resort to

solo questing, which as a runepriest is painful. No point guildies helping as i dont get xp then. And

tbh they're mainly 40... its not fun for them.

i thought id roll and alt for some fun when im bored but t1 and t2 is totally dead too. no rvr at all.

The rvr queues in t4 are long, too long really, and only serpents passage pops. and really thats not fun

at all. the win rate is 50/50 but its just a crap boring instance.

World rvr is destro dominated as they outnumber us massively. Attacking a keep 10 v 40 or defending 10 v

40 isnt fun either.

i think this game has great potential but really im bored. Does mythic have plans for low pop servers? i

dont wanna transfer to another low pop server. Id prefer to go to a high pop server

pah i love the game but i am consideirng sacking it off.

They are offering free server transfers from low to med pop. Only certain servers can transfer and there

are only certain servers you can transfer to. Hope this helps.

Read again Chudder. He is on an EU server. We have no transfers at all, not even paid transfers.

Best bet is to wait it out, join a new server, best you'll get is med/med though, there is no high pop

servers left.

If you are patient, just level up your main and wait for character transfer... if you really want play

on with more people immidietly..than your only chance is reroll.. or better.. Roll your alt on the most

populated server.. there is big chance that you will be able transfer your main on server with your new

alt or you will be able transfer both on one server..

If I had to guess, their next step is going to be to merge 2x med/med servers, and the allow some more


thanks for the replies,...

i think ill roll an alt on a busy server.

I cant imagine its much fun for destro either...they cap largely undefended keeps and must have longer

scenario queue times.

Oops, didn't read that part. Seems foolish they are not allowing transfers for EU as well.

im sure they'll allow EU transfers soon enough

I really love the game, but I think opening that many servers for a 'smooth launch' was a double edged


Couldn't agree more. maybe ill wait for server transfers and play something else for a while.

Fallout 3 looks appealing

I started to play on EU Eltharion because it was Full/Full right from headstart: I remember DAoC there

game was interesting only on few servers with highest population (like Merlin).

Now all servers on EU have Low/Medium population in primetime thus I cannot find group/people for PQs in

T4 + lvl40 dungeons like Crypts seems to be impossible to do for me because there are just few

groups/guilds farming them and they don't accept new members.

I think it's time to say %26quot;So long, Warhammer!%26quot; and go play Fallout 3 + wait for announced SWG: KOTOR MMO

- because Warhammer already FAILED on EU servers: it's empty thus it's not interesting. Semi-dead euro

servers cannot handle oRvR/PvE. Bravo, Mythic+GOA - you've just killed your own game with those stupid


It's payback for the euro's screwing us with that fiasco conan game!

Like others said, roll your alt on a high pop server and have fun. And if you get to norway, drop some

beatdown on the unfuncon studios!

K, so no transfers as whenever I check there's max. low/med and most are low/low.

Try rolling on Karak Eight Peaks, always something going on there. Karak Azgal doesn't appear to be that

bad either.