US Herald Free Character Transfers Round

From the Customer Service category we have: Free Character Transfers - Round 5


Round 5 of our Free Character Transfers has started! We are pleased to make these transfers available to players on Open RvR servers. Players of the following servers are now able to login to the Mythic Account Center to begin transfer of their characters. Please be sure to read all instructions carefully! There are cases where you may lose items if you do not properly prepare your character for transfer. This also applies to the Guild Transfer functionality.

Finally something good our way!

we need more ppl in Dark Crag!!

It's pretty sad when they have to transfer from servers that they originally cloned because they had high populations...

Oh well... i can't trasnfer cause my guild is not on enough to know about this... which likely means eerie downs is going to be even more dead than it is right now at t4...

Yes! We need some fresh blood on Hochland on both sides.

Good for Hochland... we need help on order side... lets give RUIN the lesson they deserve!!!

Now if RedEye Mountain could get some people it would be nice. Give the Order a bunch of people so they actually come out of their WC and fight.

Dark Crag will be a destination server next I think.

Based on these last round of transfers it is pretty clear that you didn't want to mix up open rule set and core rule set players, since it would arguably be easier to level on a core server rather than an open server due to the amount of potential griefing and pvping that could happen in the lower zones.

Now as a number of other people in these threads have already mentioned, the Oceanic servers only have one Open RVR ruleset server which means that we will be unable to transfer to or from the server unless you make an exception for the above rule.

Anlec has a terrible Destro : Order imbalance, please review the oceanic servers and the current transfer policies.

Ulthuan needs help, mainly on order side but constantly low/low sucks, come on mythic!

i hope server merges come next. there are way too many servers , the game would be so much more interesting and fun if they would merge servers.

I have to agree with the server merge. I would like to see a minimum of 500 people per side logged in at any given time and 1000+ at peak. If they have to revamp the chicken rules for ORvR then so be it but we need a lot more people logged on for this game to really get going.

The free transfers is a great first start and I would think server merges would be in the works right after the transfers are done.

How long does the offer stand to transfer? Can anyone give me an official date?

Ulthuan really needs to be picked as a destination server. Now servers with larger populations than us are being picked as destination servers. What gives?