WAR the From the Dev Team category we have: Server Population Bonuses

From the From the Dev Team category we have: Server Population Bonuses


As many players begin adjusting to their new homes we wanted to help you and your new neighbors settle into the changes as easily as possible.

With this in mind all players on the previously announced destination servers will receive a 20% bonus to experience and renown when killing enemy monsters and players.

Below is a full list of all the destination servers and when the Server population bonus expires:

Server Name

Server Ruleset

Bonus Expiration Date














Role Play



Role Play


Ironclaw (Oceanic)



Darklands (Oceanic)




Open RvR



Open RvR


For a full list of servers offering transfers please see this latest announcement:


Welcome, have fun, and we'll see you on the battlefield!

Well it's not like we didn't see the whole %26quot;hey you wanna move server? there's bonus exp in it for you...%26quot; thing coming

Just hurry up and give it to EU players for christ sake or shove a stick up GOA's whoopsy doodle

I really really hope we will be able to move our characters without being subscirbed because if not, I will be forced to subscribe (if our server will be source server) only for %26quot;free%26quot; transfer (yes, not gonna subscribe for next month because I have hell ALOT of work) and ... maybe I wont and wont touch WAR for very long time... If ever.

I understand they want test it first but hell, it's working... so EU servers should have already transfer too. Mythic..this is your game... So I blame you for this.

To the topic: I think they should reconsider if these bonuses should be on all servers and pernament :P

Yeah I am glad they get a Bonus for picking a dead server and doing nothing I mean my server is hot where is my bonus free transfer and bonus of 20% to both exp and renown for being a super nub picking trash servers woot . I guess it would be cool if they gave me that bonus to play my Zealot again =p

Umm, James?

Monolith had a long login queue over the weekend for Destro. It looks like Destro greatly outnumber alliance there now. I won't complain about being outnumbered, but, given the queue, perhaps you should not have an XP bonus attracted more new destro players to Monolith?

Thanks again for getting the transfer service up so fast, and having it work so flawlessly! We're super-happy with our new home. But a little concerned by the login queue.


.You actually expect them to allow you to do account changes with a currently expired account? When they say free, they mean %26quot;free to subscribers%26quot; You expected anything different? WIth WoW you can barely do anything to your account when it has expired, this is standard operating procedure. Its 15 bucks, eat light for like 4 meals, or skip some meals (like lunch) and replace them with water, there is your 15 bucks and you lost some weight to boot!


Originally Posted by ManiaCCC

I understand they want test it first but hell, it's working... so EU servers should have already transfer too. Mythic..this is your game... So I blame you for this.

Things again aren't as simple as you would think when dealing with massive corporations. It is common practice for the EU to get things later. EU has recieved a simealtaneous launch with NA, this is a big step forward by mythic and took a ton of work. having things delayed in other locations should be expected. Hell, China, WOWs largest source of subs, received TBC a couple months after NA, sometimes logistics and beuracracy make things harder to do.


Originally Posted by ManiaCCC

To the topic: I think they should reconsider if these bonuses should be on all servers and pernament :P

They have been buffing XP gains for a while now.