war Grab Bag No. 4 - Zone Control Review Page 1

In this issue of the Grab Bag, we'll have a sneak peek of the softer side of Heavy Metal, find out how to get that ever-elusive last name, and delve deep into the mysteries of zone control. Read on for the answers to all of your burning questions!

Q. I noticed that I don't receive influence when my group leader is not in the same zone as the Public Quest I am doing. Is this the way it should be?

A. Yes. Currently, in order to receive influence for Public Quests, your group leader needs to be in the same zone as you. This means if you're in Nordland, your group leader must also be in Nordland in order for you to properly receive influence. Based on player feedback, we're working to improve these mechanics soon!

Q. Will there be female versions for both of the new Careers being released soon? The concept art for the KoTBS looks as though there is a female option, but what about the Black Guard?

A. Fear not, fierce ladies! Both new careers will be available to both males and females, and here are the pics to prove it:

Female Black Guard and KoTBS

Q. Is the Heavy Metal task going to be open to everyone, or is it tier restricted?

A. This event is open to all tiers! Daily tasks are designed to be done solo, by any level, and to take less than an hour.

Q. I play on a Role Playing server, and I have noticed that in Regional chat many people are speaking out of character. Are the public channels on a role playing server supposed to be in character or out of character?

A. Public channels on role playing servers are officially considered out of character channels. As always, if you see inappropriate chat such as vulgarity or harassment in this channel, please send us an appeal with details via the appeal system.

Q. How does a Tier 4 zone become locked? When a zone locks, what should happen? When it unlocks, what should happen?

A. A zone can lock in Tier 4, meaning you can't fight over Keeps, Battlefield Objectives (BOs), or participate in Scenarios in that zone anymore until it's contested again. Once it is contested however, the status of all BOs and Keeps remain the same as they were when the Zone was locked.

Example: Praag has 4 BOs owned by Order and 2 Keeps owned when they take over the zone. Praag becomes locked, and Chaos Wastes becomes contested. Destruction manages to capture Chaos Wastes, and put Praag back into a Contested state. All BOs and Keeps are available to fight over again, but they're still in Order's hands when the zone becomes Contested again.

Q. I was in RvR and killed another player, but I only earned 1 Renown Point. Is this because of the other players Renown Rank? How can I tell what Renown Rank my opponent is?

A. Player Renown Rank is shown as a title. These cannot be turned off and are visible under the player's name. Titles are given every 10 Renown Ranks and broken down thusly:

Renown Rank Titles for Order and Destruction