warhammer I started to play a few days ago

I started to play a few days ago, and so far im loving the game! I was a Wow player, and so far War seems way better.

Anyways... you guys have any idea when the character transfers will be active? I got some in this really empty server, and would really like to take them into a more populated server. The fact that theres sooo few people online is somehow making the game less fun for me, and I dont realy have that much free time to start in a new server a new character.

My Dad claims he already was transfered, so I dunno, I think they're happening in rounds.

http://herald.warhammeronline.com/warhe ... war?id=429

See if your server is there.

Good luck.

Mehhh, just read that European servers aren't having any character transfers, yet... quite sad as we have tons of empty servers (low population) and loads of characters/players all spread out who are sooo eager to gather up.

Hope they fix this soon. Got some friends who are freezing their account because of it. *shrugs*

Anyways thanks for the quick reply!