warhammer Best Story and Best Army Concept Awards?

We already have two prizes at the ETC: Best Painted and Most Sporting. Both should be part of ETC 2009. The Best Painted award may be a bit updated how to participate and absolutely mandatory are pictures from that army in high quality posted here in the forum.

The Most Sporting Team award can be stay as it is, question is how many matchpoints the winner gets, if so.

Two other prizes popped up in my mind, mainly because I'm part of the ETC-Spirit camp

Best Story

Each participating team can nominate one backround story from one of their members, maximum three pages, in english. Deadline will be the same as for the army rosters. There could be a small jury (me + x) and we will announce the winner when the ETC winners are declared and honored. The story will then be published here. No other prizes or matchpoints are given. Just to boost some other side of our wonderful hobby.

Best Army Concept

The guys who will have a look at all army rosters may point out one army list as being well thought, themed and forced by an idea which isn't taken to make them powerful but fluffwise something special. Most of the lists in the past are made to win, off course. But some of them are built around a theme or story or personality or whatever, I hope you get my point. maybe there is no list or more then one, but I think it will be nice to annonce such a list seperately by creating such kind of award. No other prizes or matchpoints are given here too. Just to boost some other side of our wonderful hobby.

Sounds like fun.

Great ideas.

Will think how to strengthen them.

Sounds nice.

Good ideas indeed.

In time, not necesarily the coming year, I would like the best painted category also to encompass teams Perhaps not as a replacement of the individual award, but on top of it.

I also like the %26quot;Best Painted Country%26quot; award more then the %26quot;Best Painted Army%26quot; Other then you Asger, I think it shall replace the single best painted award.

Wasn't it our goal at the very beginning of the ETC to make it a team event in all aspects? Like the captains vote for the most sporting country at the end of the event they also could do so for the best painted country. Both winners can have half a matchpoint IMHO.

Rewarding the teams to play fair and with high quality painted armies couldn't be wrong.

Yes it was. I also suggest the best team painting award years ago. And actually thought it would be like that this year. No reason to promote one man, when it is the team it is all about.

Best painted team sounds nice, but I wouldn't award it with 0.5 matchpoints.

There are reasons not to reward it with 0,5 matchpoints I know.

But the same reasons are for the most sporting team award

These four categories simply shall enlarge the view on the hobby.

With or without matchpoints.

That awards shall encourage all the players out there who put energy in painting/storytelling and those who play like a gentleman and with a nice army concept.

Hmmm... well, the reason for not awarding the painting with points are IMO:

- it discourages teams that have a hard making it to the tournament at all

- there would have to be a rule for who painted the armies. For example, my Ogre army was painted by a German... how would that be worth a reward for Austria?

- the countries that have a big players scene are also the countries with most armies and probably also the highest level of painting, so rewarding painting with points would give the countries that are already the favourites another edge

These are the things that do not equally apply to sportsmanship IMO. The thing painting and sportsmanship have in common is that the result is always subjective... this probably applies to sportsmanship even more than to painting.