warhammer Prevent Players from joining solo groups in Scenarios Page 1

We all realize that there is a problem with giving players ability to leave group within scenarios. As I came to realize in my previous thread the problem is not as simple as preventing players leaving the warband or moving into solo grps so they can't abuse the system that Mythic developed.

Here is the good ideas compiled from the previous thread:

1.Make a set numbers of grps dependent upon the maximum number of allowed players.

2. Allow people to move freely amongst those set groups.

3. Make each group have a leader who can arrange groups

4. Make players leaving the warband altogether be automatically ejected from the scenario.

If you have any other thoughts about this suggestion please set your feedback. On the contrary, if you are here to attempt to justify your greed whatever doesn't change the facts.

Facts have to be proven first. That has yet to be done. But you wanted feedback, yes? Here it is.

Allow players to move freely among the various groups already present. Should a partial preform come into a Scenario (say, 3-4 players), they should have the option of playing as their own group and being rewarded for their small scale team effort.

Do not have leaders with the power to arrange these groups, as this can lead to easy abuse from somebody on a god trip who wants to strip a certain player of healers, or toss a tank off by himself. The possibility for abuse should preclude this idea from ever seeing the development room.

As for ejecting players who leave a warband? Do you really want feedback on that, or are you just going to see anything that's said against this as doing wrong? I'm curious as to whether this thread is about feedback, or just a thinly veiled anti-soloist crusade post.

well you read the title.

1. Yeah the team could still be seated in a grp with themselves they just couldn't separate from the 1-2 people.

2. Yeah but how much different is the abuse with having a leader who might not be thinking logically then the solo player abusing the warband group arrangement that mythic lazily kept in place. I want to know what scenario was designed with more then 3 separate groups in mind.

3. Are you just trying to find an example of something that might have been overlooked because you want to defend the fact that you rip other players xp and rp off each scenario. Ill start making a collection of screenshots of solo players with 9-10k xp more then everyone else who remained grouped when the average earned in most scenarios is 8-10 for winner and 4-7k for the loser.

Oh your a dps question 3 answered.

Another thread on this, huh?

Why do you have such a problem with people going solo instead of staying in a group? Regardless, they will still be working with you as a team to kill the enemy and win the scenario even if they drop group and flank squishies alone.