Warhammer Rate a UI!

Howdy This is a post on rating UI's you can rate any UI than you would like. no more than 2 people above you.

I started a new one so we can start fresh instead of 1k posts on one thread.

we'll start with mine =D



Scale of 1-10, I'll give your UI a 6.

Here's mine:


I'm still not completely happy with it, but it's getting there.

Its good. im just confused at the bottom. panel isnt filled out so it looks just there.. but, i like the UI . 7/10 probably is the closest

I would give it a 6/10. I looks nice, it is just that you seem to waste a lot of space by spreading the UI out so much.

Don't forget to say who's UI your rating. Just edited mine again.

K this


Yeah, I play on 1900 res on a 24' monitor. It's a good bit of space.

I'm waiting for decent damage meters, simple combat log, etc to put in there to fill it up.

So it's not really wasted, just reserved. =P

Good work, but I'd say needs some tweaking on whats going on in the lower right, not a big fan of clusters myself


Tossing mine in the ring! I love feedback!

That looks a lot like mine, 7/10. Only because you seem to have a lot of empty black space in the SNT panel, although I'm guessing you have windows (Morale, Granted Abilities, Pet/Stances for other classes) there that just aren't visible in that particular screenshot.

And mine: http://img389.imageshack.us/img389/2...rolm004ur1.jpg

Looks good, I'd scale down everything on the very top of your screen a bit to fit your theme. Other than that, solid ui. 7/10

i saw yours earlier. thanks for feedback. Yours is great! perfect design 7.5/10

Are you using some sort of %26quot;view port%26quot; like mod on that? If so could you link me? I wish all games had a viewport like function so there is nothing rendered where my UI is so it doesn't cut out any of the actual game. 8.5/10

I don't want to type it all out again, about half way down this link I list all the add ons I use

I'm not using any type of veiwport
