Doom Lord Kazzak Shouts, Hellfire Peninsula

I don't know if it's the same on your realm, but on our realm, there are always bored folks hanging around the Throne of Kil'jaeden in Hellfire Peninsula, taunting Doom Lord Kazzak from where he stands up there.

He shouts about how "All Mortals Will Perish", and how "The Legion will conquer all!". One of my favorites is "Contemptible wretch!", but you know he's not only been aggro'd and taunted, but actually killed a player when he says "The universe will be remade."

But the other day while I was running a Heroic Ramparts on my Healer when things went awry and we wiped. On our run back from the graveyard (oh how I love it that in Heroic PUGs, 90% of the time nobody has to be reminded that if the rezzer runs, everyone runs - everyone just releases and runs back), Doom Lord Kazzak shouted something I had never heard before, nor had my teammates:

Here\%26#039;s what Doom Lord Kazzak says when he wakes up after a dirtnap...

I looked it up this morning on WoWWiki, and found that this is Doom Lord Kazzak's spawning shout.

Looks like he took a dirt nap and woke up a little reminiscent of the past ;)