Warhammer Online prelude to death

I have been thinking what should I express my point of view of the %26quot;Warhammer Online%26quot; online games industry, as well as the feelings of the status quo. For the time being, at least Wolfengurg server does not exist RvR (war camp). RvR meaning it was a far cry from the literal meaning. Can be so called, RvR: a camp (together a group of players) started fighting with the hostile camp, they not only battle to fight, they are fighting for a purpose. However, it seems to me, RvR is not really there. Honor camp, or camp to camp or to fight the feeling of honor in fact does not exist.

Players concerned about the value of their experience. They always have to try to account for Ngau Tau, which deviated from the %26quot;Warhammer Online%26quot; intention. Players are not together in a scenic region, such as Peter Dragon Land (Dragonwake) or Kedrin Valley and carry out hostile camp pitched battle, on the contrary, they would rather stick with the Serpent's Passage of the 12v12 environment, where they are Can be faster to enhance the value of experience. Players who have not thought carefully Developer to design regional strategies and tactics through the beat, on the contrary, they would rather spend 15 minutes Dunshou another team. This, in turn, is why?

In the online games industry, %26quot;I want this thing, I now want to%26quot; mentality in the players can be found everywhere in the middle. Yes, this is the %26quot;World of Warcraft%26quot; brought about by the popular product, because for the first time in the history of developers who are beginning to realize that most of the players want to play the game can be easy. At the very beginning, so things simple is a good idea, but the next through the achievements and efforts to obtain the reward behavior will gradually ceased to exist. A large number of players (the number sufficient to have an impact on the game developers) decided that they would rather abandon the %26quot;going out, be it%26quot; attitude, and adopt the %26quot;me%26quot; mentality. Although I do not deny that some of the players are entitled to such clothing to food to reach the mouth feel, but Personally, I do not understand if a person does not need to pay any one thing can be done, then he can get happy ? Where is his sense of accomplishment? Waiting in line every day to do the same task of the story, continuing to brush and raiding camps ranking What's the difference? There is no difference. The only way to change oneself, and in the process, the essence of the game have been destroyed.

This is my beta Jingyanzhitan. Only 380 people on the server, we have experienced in the open field, I region, such as Prague (Praag) and Rui Kelan (Reikland) have ever seen the best RvR combat. We will be able to observe first several fortress. Players together to start the other large-scale open fighting, or even an individual more than to fight their own camp. This is the RvR. What puzzles me is that the players can not play their due role. Mythic in the %26quot;Warhammer Online%26quot; committed a lot of mistakes, but for the players provided ample opportunity to participate in the open RvR, but they also continue to enhance the charm of an open RvR, the players will try to plot from the mission to attract them. Open RvR experience to enhance the value of 100%. Now every one to kill the enemy, I will be able to get 7,500 points, the value of experience, which is 36 mission to kill a monster half of the value of experience. Imagine if we have enough to kill the enemy, this would be considerable, however. However, the problem is that we do not have to kill the enemy. RvR players who just want to let wither, and then gradually eliminate forgotten, because the story is not the task even more cumbersome, easier to play, get more rewards. This is indeed very sad people.

Yes, this is the fault of the players. At least Wolfengurg game server is doomed is the fault of the players (and I believe that other servers are also experiencing famine open RvR). This game is the core of RvR. And if you barely into their hamster cage, and then take turns at the wheel on the run, then I have no sympathy for you, and there is no doubt that when you reach 40 will no longer play the game. I hope there will not be 95% of the players run away, let us return to the server, only 380 of the situation, although we are only there to experience the RvR.

If you read all the way here, Congratulations, This shows that you have a high enough resistance, resistance long enough to give you the injury 18,758,419. Next, I would like to talk about how to solve these problems can be, Mythic should have been done, and how they can do what (they have already stated that they will take measures) to make up the current situation.

Continue to open RvR incentives to reduce the task of the drama award.

Random story of the creation of a task, so that players can not choose the story they want to do the task.

Add the impact RvR system as soon as possible.

Make the task even more drama released by the wild-RvR constraints. To find ways to make the story into the mission must rely on players fighting RvR lakes.

Fort stick to make a more generous incentives.

So that the objective of fighting and more worthy of the realization of defending - the goal is so beautiful, but there is a spectacular venue available to the players, these players will be attracted to take part in RvR.

Address the issue of balance, vulnerability, as well as the obvious cheating.

Players, if you are holding a so-called %26quot;I want these things, I now want to%26quot; mentality of the players, then I suggest you seriously think that this state of mind of the industry will be what impact, if Most of the players to continue with this attitude, then the future of the game will be going? If you like your boss monster to only half of the value of life, and the like spoils of war, like candy from falling Pinata, then you can really enjoy long? You look at the %26quot;Star Wars: Republic of the old%26quot; The arrival of it? You are not a fantasy of the new %26quot;Star Wars%26quot; network has a dynamic, very wonderful for you to explore the world and give you an unparalleled gaming experience? Well, I advise you to stop your imagination, perhaps it will only bring you %26quot;fierce fighting%26quot; encountered %26quot;the Dark Portal: London%26quot; to experience. This is not the candy tastes slightly bitter point so?

I do not want to give up online games industry has been the prevalence of %26quot;going to get it%26quot; games. I do not want to give up so that those %26quot;World of Warcraft%26quot; is so popular elements of the application of the %26quot;Warhammer Online%26quot; idea. %26quot;Warhammer Online%26quot; in the player interaction and community still room for improvement. Everything here from the beginning, you have to start from.