Warhammer Online 1.0.5 Patch Notes

You want 'em, we got 'em...albeit they were posted on some random website (*cough*VN*cough*), NOT the WARHerald or the official site for some reason and we had to hunt them down....

Thanks to Zeli of CoT for getting this information to us!



So, here comes the 1.05 Combat and Careers patch. As you will see from the notes, the scope of the changes and adjustments to the careers in the game has been rather broad. The teams have been combing through our internal data as well as player feedback in making this preliminary round of changes to the game. A few things to keep in mind before posting any responses to these changes:

1) The changes laid out in these patch notes are preliminary. They are not final (nothing in an MMO is final until the game is dead) and they won't even be official until after they go through testing on our PTS.

2) If you feel your career has been dealt with unfairly, feel free of course to let us know here and but most importantly inside the game. I will not respond to every post here nor engage in endless debate about whether these changes are necessary, especially in this topic. These changes are the result not of my or any one individual at Mythic's decisions but rather what the entire team has felt will be best for the game going forward based on all our sources of data. Again, these changes are preliminary and if we made any mistakes, we will correct them.

3) With the upcoming opening of the PTS, our players will have the opportunity to help us test the latest patch before it goes LIVE. We urge you to take advantage of this opportunity to help us but to also help you as in the end, you are the guys/gals who play the game.

4) As always, we thank you for your support and patronage. I hope that these notes are another indication of how seriously we take the long-term future of WAR.

In order to prevent eyestrain, I've broken up the notes into sections to make it easier for people to find, read and digest the information without having to deal with a monstrous wall of test. Mark