How To Back Up Your Auctioneer Database To Another Machine

This entry was inspired by someone who bought and enjoyed my guide to Wealth on Warcraft, and who posted a question about how to deal with accessing WoW from their laptop on occasion when their desktop was not available.

One of my original posts about using Auctioneer but knowing it's up and downsides was back here.

I hope this helps! :)

Auctioneer Helps Players Gain Wealth

Auctioneer is an awesome addon which I use every day to post my plethora of auctions for my realmmates to buy in order to supply me with a steady flow of Wealth on Warcraft which I use for things like Epic Flying Mount training and gearing my lowbies, and everything in between.

But, if you have more than one computer you log into WoW from, you've discovered that your Auctioneer database from all the scans you did on one computer doesn't show up on your second one.

It's a real bummer whenever I go to visit my family and use their computer to login instead of my own... but there's a solution!

How To Transfer Auctioneer Data To Another Machine

WARNING! This requires you to fiddle around in your directory structure. If you're not comfortable with that, be sure to make a backup before making any changes, so it's easy to go back. Ultimately if something goes direly wrong, World of Warcraft itself has some ability to recover, but you may lose your saved addon information and have to re-build it. Be careful!

The process, however, is simple:

Exit out of World of Warcraft on both machines.

Go into your World of Warcraft directory on the machine you do the most Auctioneer scans with, and head into the WTF folder, then into "Account".

In there, you should see directories that are named after the usernames that have been used to log into World of Warcraft from your machine. If only you use it and you only have one account, there'll only be one directory present. If others have logged in using your machine or you have more than one account, there will be more.

Go into the directory of the account you've logged into to do your Auctioneer scanning, and then go into the "Saved Variables" directory.

Copy the file "Auc-ScanData.lua" over onto your Laptop, into the same directory location as where you found it on your original machine.

Start up World of Warcraft on the second machine (or second account if you're just copying from one account to another on the same machine) and voila! You should have the same scanned data available to you there as well.

Synch Files Regularly

Of course, this update is a one-time update, so you'll need to do it on a semi-regular basis if you'd like to keep the two databased synchronized. Or, you can start to do more scans on the second machine, and keep it up to date that way.

Good luck, and let me know if you have any problems or further questions!