Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning Interview 3

VideoGamer.com: Are there any licenses you'd fancy having a crack at in terms of an MMO?

PB: Space Hulk. I'd rock if I did that.

VideoGamer.com: Do you think you'll get the chance one day?

PB: Well I don't know I think the license is with THQ (laughs). Not unless I suddenly transfer to THQ, no!

VideoGamer.com: It's a shame. There's a lot of fans who would love that.

PB: Oh I tell you what Space Hulk would tear it up. I wouldn't do 40K straight because it's too complicated. But Space Hulk that's a great start.

VideoGamer.com: Why is a 40K MMO too complicated?

PB: Personally, it's a very very broad license, it's a very very big world. It's an entire galaxy and it's hard to realise something so enormous. So I would realise a part of the 40K world. You'd do Inquisitors, or you'd do, well I'd do Space Hulk, if I could do anything. It would still be 40K, it would still rock, it would still be awesome. But it would be of a scale that I could tackle.

VideoGamer.com: Does Mythic have capacity to try its hand on another MMO at the same time as Warhammer Online?

PB: Oh crikey. I don't put anything past the force of will of Mark Jacobs. If he suddenly decides we're going to do something else then we'll do it. We basically take all our guidance from his volcanic creativity. When he decides we do something we do it.

VideoGamer.com: Has he ever indicated to you a license that he'd like to try next perhaps?

PB: Mark plays all of that pretty close to his chest. He generally doesn't want to talk about something unless he wants to commit. I've talked to him about several ideas he's talked about but nothing that I think he wants to talk about publicly yet.

VideoGamer.com: Are you guys going to do a boxed expansion model like WoW or will you make everything available through downloadable content.

PB: I don't know. Thankfully as creative director I know very little about commerce, profitability, the law. Yeah I'm sure we will do whatever is necessary to maximise shareholder value while increasing content for long term subscriber life cycle. How's that?

VideoGamer.com: That's very good. You mentioned you've got an expansion team. How long before we might see something from them?

PB: Probably in keeping with standard internet MMO logic. WoW said 12 months, it took two-and-a-half years. Other teams do them every couple of months. It will be what fits for purpose, would be the answer.

VideoGamer.com: You guys already have ideas about what's going to be in the expansion?

PB: Well we have more than ideas, we have people working on it. Concept art, areas being built, careers, all sorts of stuff is being done.

VideoGamer.com: What about classes? Is that something that could come in an expansion?

PB: Definitely. There's a whole world of Warhammer out there. I love the Skaven. We haven't gone near Lustria, we've got vampires, Bretonnians, there's all sorts of crazy bonkers madness out there and we intend to dig through all of it.

VideoGamer.com: When am I getting my console version?

PB: We had a good look at the console about two years ago. The position we ended up with was it would have to be a different game. That's basically where we ended up with our thinking. And then Mark basically went 'I don't want to think about it yet. Stop thinking about it'. If Mark wakes up and decides we're going to do a console version then you'll get one as fast as possible. Just write a letter direct to Mark. 'I would very much like a console version. Please please please make one. Make it for this console'. He'll probably write back to you then and let you know. He's very good like that. Read his blog.

VideoGamer.com: I have been. It's been entertaining reading in the last month or so.

PB: He's an entertaining guy!

VideoGamer.com: This close to launch there will still be some people who are still on the fence. What message do you have to those people?

PB: Are they WoW heads?

VideoGamer.com: Not necessarily. They might have played it in the past and might be waiting for the next expansion.

PB: It's easier to get into than ever. They're fun and compelling but they're definitively a hobby. It's a hobby experience. If you've got the time and you've got the inclination then they're great great fun. Give it a try.

VideoGamer.com: And if they're WoW heads?

PB: If they're WoW heads then I would say no item damage, no graveyard running, your bag gets bigger, you can customise your UI, the PvP is awesome, the PvE experience is still really really good, there's lots of cool dungeons, there's lots of grouping, and there's Squig Herders darn it, Squig Herders I say!

VideoGamer.com: That's great Paul thanks for your time.

Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning is due out for PC this Thursday.