war Greenskin Leveling Guide: Chap.5 and 6

The march to da big WAAAGH!! goes on! Grumlock has made it perfectly clear that all greenskins in the area are to meet up with and join the Bloody Sun Boyz and there are to be no exceptions! You've passed your initial training to prove your ability to be a Bloody Sun Boy, but that was just a playground exercise compared to what's coming next. As you journey into Barak Varr and the Marshes of Madness, you'll face Slayers, Trolls, and even some more Orcs! It's time you continued showing the Big'uns what you can do! That way, when you get to the WAAAGH!!, you can be right up front, bashin' stuntie skulls!

Da Big Sand

So far you've managed to get launched from an Orcapult, help a giant get blown up, whip some lazy gobbos into shape, kill some humies, get a weapon back from a troll, stop a stuntie invasion, and show some of 'dem Orcs wot was not followin' Grumlok what the consequences for their actions was! Sounds like a pretty full day, eh? Well you ain't done yet, you git! You've got a long way to go before you get to da WAAAGH!! and your next stop is with the One Tusk tribe at Da big Sand. Here you'll meet Nogaz the Rally Master. He's the boss of the One Tusks, and he gets his direction from a higher power than Grumlock! Mork speaks to him and he ain't being told %26quot;Nanoo Nanoo%26quot;.

Dwarven Slayers? HERE?? Good! I could use a new trophy!

Guk is a good Orc. He's managed to capture a stuntie and force him into makin' some of the best armor for the lads, and he just needs you to get the last ingredient. He's a bit unsure about Nogaz, but Nogaz is the leader of the One Tusk Tribe and that makes him the biggest and the baddest in the area... of course, Grumlock is the biggest and the baddest of ALL, so Guk's hoping he doesn't find out they stopped here instead of joining the WAAAGH! Also, it seems that there's a problem with the Shamans and that problem is there are none! Nogaz booted them out! You'll need to find a way to bring 'em back, because you can't win a war without the WAAAGH!! magic.

Runtskull the Kill Collector has a plan. The wetfangs are giant spiders who literally drip venom from their fangs. He wants you to get some of those fangs and he'll pay you to do it! How exactly are you supposed to do that? well, nobody said it was the perfect plan..

Numnog the gobbo is looking forward to the biggest scrap the One Tusks have had yet! In order to do that however, there's some things that need taken care of first. Like getting rid of all the stunties between here and the Bloody Sun Boyz camp down in the Marshes of Madness and that's where you come in, you little git! Also seems the local Rock Lobber builder, Grobbit, went to the Inevitable City to check out rumors of an arena pit the Orcs could fight in. Oddly enough, he hasn't come back yet and Numnog thinks you should go check on him.

Bonerender's Bash

Once you've helped out the One Tusk tribe some, you're going to get a bunch of greenskins telling you to go down to the Marshes of Madness and find there the Bloody Sun Boyz camp. This will take you down to Bonerender's Bash and there you'll meet up with the head of the camp, Bonerender the Rally Master. Bonerender doesn't care a whole lot about Nogaz or his ability to talk with Mork! You're here, and that means you need to get out there and get ta killin' stunties! Bonerender tends to be a pretty simple Orc... if that's possible for an Orc.

Gotug Nopile is happy to hear the news about Nogaz and his stopping from going to Eight Peaks cause he doesn't like them much and this means he'll probably get ta pound some One Tusk skull! While he and Bonerender figure on what to do about them, Gotug has a few things for you to take care of here in the Marshes of Madness. First, you're going to have to prove your toughness by hunting a stuntie ghost. Oh, he's real alright and he's not afraid of no Greenskin. Next, you'll be doing a search and rescue, or in this case a search and loot, for an Orc named Murmok who's gone missing. Finally, you'll be happy to help get those sneaky stunties to fight! Why are you happy about this? Two reasons. First off, you're a Greenskin! And Greenskins love to fight! Second, and most important, if you do this, you get to keep your head!

Collectin' stuntie beards is hard work!

Zlog Mucktoe is a bit upset that he can't get out there and bash a few stuntie skulls%26hellip; so he's going to live vicariously through you as you do it for him! While you're out there in the marshes, seems there's a sick humie running around making da boyz sick too. Da boss ain't happy about that and if the boss ain't happy, no one is! Get out there and make yourself useful and make the boss happy by killing that whackjob! Finally, Zlog comes up with a great idea. If the Orc can't go to the stuntie to fight, the stunties will come to the Orcs! Bring in some beards off the dead stunties and they're sure ta come runnin'!

Shaman Nrax is over inside the shack and he has a plan to help get those lazy One Tusks into da WAAAGH! There are these %26lsquo;shrooms in a cave that'll get those lazy gits right where they need ta be! Sounds easy? Well it is%26hellip; if you can avoid the crawlers inside the cave, that is. Thudfist the Kill Collector has been tasked with killing those lousy Rotting Cultists wot been makin' everyone sick. Now that you're here, you can help get that fixed by doing his job for him! Now get out there and kill some sick humies!

Foultoof's Warcamp

Greenskins is Greenskins and dey like ta FIGHT! Heading into Foultoof's Warcamp, you'll notice a lot of Greenskins who've given up the fight... due to being dead. There's plenty to do here to get you into the action and maybe take down a few stunties in the process! However, outside of Kadush Waaaghrenda , the Quartermaster who sells siege equipment and standards, don't expect to find and RvR gear merchants here. You've heading to da WAAAGH! and if you want your RvR gear, you're going to have to earn it! RvR merchants are now located at the tops of the contested Keeps in the RvR zones.

Or you could just take the easy way out and head to the Inevitable City and visit the merchant there. The Flight master in the camp, Riruk Mudslinga, could help you out with that, as well as with getting to other zones. War is everywhere and nothing's better to a Greenskin than a good scrap, so don't hesitate to head to other warcamps and help out your allies... as poncy as they might be.