Warhammer developers announce scenario cross-pairing queues

Good news everyone! Mythic has today announced that Warhammer Online scenario queues can now be entered from any of the appropriate zones. That is to say, any Tier 1 scenario can now be queued into from any Tier 1 zone. Standing in Nordland, you can now just as easily queue for Khaine's Embrace or the Gates of Ekrund as you can the Nordenwatch skirmish. In fact, we just confirmed by jumping in-game that you can queue up for all three scenarios at the same time! All you have to do to actually choose your queue is use the arrows next to the scenario name, like so:

The news was announced in an official post on the Warhammer Herald site. The post goes on to note that %26quot;We know many have been waiting for this feature and we have a lot more great additions coming on the horizon. We look forward to your continued feedback as we work to take WAR to the next level.%26quot; Hopefully we'll see more player-requested features like this added in soon. What do you want Mythic to add into Warhammer next?