warhammer Club near Market Harborough?

i'm trying to get back into WHFB and 40k i have created some small armies but would like to join a club near Market Harborough so that i can play these armies and decide which ones to expand. is there a club within a short drive of Market Harborough that i could join, also being 26 i would like to join a club with memebers of similar age and older! any info would be great thanks!

Hi, not sure if Leicester is in your drive range, but we run a club in Leicester just out of the city centre called S.Q.U.I.G

Games played are- Warhammer, 40k and Bloodbowl.

Most of us are 20-30, youngest is 16, oldest is 40 something.

Let me know if you would like any more details.

This club is great I started going about 3 weeks ago its a really friendly atmosphere, everytime I have been theres 5 games on, warhammer fantasy appears to be dominent. They have alot of scenary to use and good tables also there are two shops within walking distance for food/drinks. The chaps here will look after you, one of the older chaps (damn cannot remember his name now ) spent ages making sure I got a game of 40k next week even though they are also accomidating alot of chaps coming form Peterborough.

In conclusion good place, good people will have fun. (edit should read good place, good people, will have fun)

Just thought you are in Market Harborough, if you drive its just off Hinckley road should be 30 min drive or if getting bus catch the train should be 15mins plus either walk or jump on bus in Leicester (not that far really) or catch the x61 though cannot remember how that runs at night.

cheers guys, sounds really cool ill have to dropp in to see what its like for a night could you give me more info about where and when? cheers

It's at the 'Newfoundpool Neighbourhood centre' on Pool Rd.

We meet 6-10pm.

All Scenery and tables provided.

First time you play is free.

We arrange games a week in advance so that every who wants a game gets one.

Any more info just let me know, hope to see you soon maybe

what days do you meet up?

and how much does it cost normaly

Oh yeh forgot to put the day

We meet on Mondays, it's 2.50GBP per session, which pays for the room and other things for the club.