US Players' Level 1 Race Today - Race Details

The first of our level 1 US player races takes place later today. All you need to do to take part is have a naked level 1 character at the time and place listed below. The first two players to the finishing line today win a beta key and Tyrael's Hilt []. Here are the details:

The race will begin at 18.00 (server time), at the entrance to the Ruins of Lordaeron on the US server Boulderfist (You are advised to be there a few minutes early, as we will not be delaying the race for late-comers!).

You must be level 1 Undead and have no weapons or armor equipped.

Anyone seen to be wearing anything will be politely removed from the raid group. If you die during the race, you will be removed from the raid group.

The destination and details of how to win will be revealed at the start of the race.

We will be running another race at the same time tomorrow, so if you miss this one, you get another chance then. Good Luck!

Wow Power Leveling