Patch 1.01 Preview, WarDB Guild Syndication

or those of you familiar with other websites on the Curse Network, you'll recall that we try to provide daily news for the games we support. Warhammer Alliance will be no different, as starting today we're beginning what we hope to be a daily recap of all the recent developer posts, official news, and pieces from the community.

Mark Jacobs on patch 1.01 (Source)


Originally Posted by Mark Jacobs


Later tonight we'll be posting the patch notes for tomorrow's version. And being the impatient person that I am, I thought I'd take a wee bit of the goodness and good news from the notes and post them here. Again, this is *not* a preview of the entire patch notes but just some of the cool bits. Snarkiness/explanation from yours truly in BOLD.

1) Players no longer need to scroll down through the EUALA when logging into the game. The window now defaults to the bottom, and players need only check the Agreement box and click accept. And much rejoicing was heard throughout the streets. It's still there and you still have to accept it but we are no longer going to require the scrolling bit for now.

2) The war against the gold sellers continues! We have made improvements to the Appeal system to allow players to report spam messages from gold sellers more quickly. This is only another way we are trying to fight these guys and make it as easy on you folks as possible. We're not there yet but we'll get there.

3) TAB-targeting should now more consistently select the nearest enemy in the player's field of view. I know, some of you have heard this before but this version is better than the last version.

4) The /ignore command will now work more consistently. While /ignore worked well most of the time and for most people it was a bit quirky. Hopefully it isn't quirky anymore.

5) We have made several improvements to the chat window, and it should now be more intuitive to use and set up.

6) Player pets have learned to behave themselves. Yes, they have been sent back to obedience school more than once but hey, these things have a mind of their own at times. Bad Simba, bad lion.

7) The delay between sending multiple mails has been reduced from 20 seconds to 5 seconds. This is another one of those %26quot;first step%26quot; things.

8) A feature has been added to User Settings which allows players to auto loot corpses by default.

9) Corrected an issue that was preventing players from adding new friends to their friend list even while the number of existing friends was below the list's size limit. All together now, let's say bug!

Lots more in the tonight's patch notes but please keep in mind that this version is heavily focused on bug fixes and needed improvements but not on the kind of %26quot;OMG look at what they added!%26quot; stuff. That will come later but for now, our focus is on fixing stuff and not adding lots of new stuff that could break the game.



WarDB Guild Roster Syndication (Source)


Today we introduced a highly requested syndication feature to Guild Rosters! You can now publish your guild roster from WarDB onto your guild's website quickly and easily, by following these steps. This is the latest but definitely not the last for syndication, and we will no doubt improve guild syndication in the coming weeks and months based on community feedback.

You can also add Tooltip integration and a Search Box to your website if you'd like -- allowing your visitors to not only share item links with tooltips directly on your website, but also search!

Head over to the Vengeance roster page to check out an example, or stop by the roster syndication page to learn how to display your guild's roster on your website!

We've created a feedback thread specifically for the Guild Roster Syndication feature, so please head over to the thread and let us know what you think!