PvE XP Issues War

I think I figured out what a huge part of the PvE XP problem is:

At rank 19, I'm getting 480-500 XP killing equal to higher con mobs (w/rested bonus).

At rank 19, I'm getting 170-200 XP killing rank 17-18 mobs (w/rested bonus).

That's a 60%+ XP reduction for one to two levels difference. Is this to prevent people from using the WoW-strategy of grinding blue-green con mobs for the best XP? Come on guys, how about a 10-20% XP reduction, istead? That seems much more fair to me.

Additional Warband XP Issues

I finally got into a Gunbad guild group last night, and while the dungeon was completely awesome, the warband XP bug/design flaw was not. We had a 12-man warband going, which was made up of two groups. Each of these groups were quite balanced, however, the only group that would get any XP, was the one that had the main tank/puller in it.

PQ influence was shared quite nicely across both groups but XP was not shared at all. Tank 1 would pull a group of mobs and only his group would get any XP from it. Why isn't there a toggle that allows warbands to share XP amongst groups? Is there? Our warband leader couldn't find anything. We spent about an 1.5 hours in Gunbad and my XP bar didn't raise at all unless I stole pulls from our main tank (screw you, Malitas!).

I have never noticed this issue before, granted, I haven't participated in too many warbands. Maybe this is one of the main reasons open-world RvR XP is so crappy? Having a huge zerg of allies and only one party (the one that tagged the player) getting the XP, even though other people contributed to the kill, isn't very rewarding.

Ugh, seems like I've been bitching a lot about this game lately, so I'll try making my next few posts positive. I'm not mad at you WAR%26hellip; just disappointed (in some areas).