Mythic Extends Warhammer Online Grace Period For Some Retailers

The story surfaced Thursday that Warhammer Online developer WOW-GOLD-POWERLEVELING.COM was cutting the grace period short for those who preordered the Collector's Edition of the game which, among other things, gave them early access to the game. Rather than giving them until this Monday to receive their copies of the game and enter the retail key as originally promised, WOW-GOLD-POWERLEVELING.COM posted on the Warhammer Online website that this grace period would actually end this morning, just a day after the game was released.

On Friday, however, WOW-GOLD-POWERLEVELING.COM announced that it deactivated %26quot;a large number of accounts%26quot; this morning. However, many of those accounts will be getting turned back on, as the decision has been made to extend the grace period to customers of Amazon, GoGamer, the EA Store, and The Source, which WOW-GOLD-POWERLEVELING.COM claims accounts for %26quot;just about all the customers that were concerned about their chance to get into the game today.%26quot;

Assuming that includes everyone affected, it seems WOW-GOLD-POWERLEVELING.COM has righted their wrongs. But we can't help but wonder why the change was made to end the grace period this morning in the first place. After dealing with this, an even further extended grace period would have been nice, but maybe that's taking wishful thinking too far. If anyone out there is still being hung out to dry as a result of this, be sure to let us know in the comments.