Turbine for The Lord of the Rings OL launch online social networking site

Turbine's president and chief CEOJim Crowley last week to participate in TGS2008 revealed that they are planning to the end of the year for %26quot;The Lord of the Rings OL%26quot; to launch an online social networking Web site. This website will be somewhat similar to MySpace or Facebook, and will connect with the game.

Crowley described the new Web site as a %26quot;direct connection with the game, similar to MySpace or Facebook site. This is a full-featured, powerful social Web site. It has other major social networking sites such as MySpace or Facebook has all the characteristics.%26quot;

The site is expected to be online by the end, Crowley that the large-scale online games has the responsibility to lead the players into the WEB2.0 times. Turbine's other game, %26quot;Dungeons %26amp; Dragons OL%26quot; and %26quot;the call of King Arthur%26quot; will be later this year or next year social landing site. Crowley believe that this will increase customer value, helping the company gain more profit,

%26quot;Turbine believe that the closure of the ecosystem always be open to changes in the ecosystem. Network now need to learn to adapt to the electronic age. Network needs to stand up to the need for more players. In this way you can insert ads will not affect World Games. WEB2.0 at times it is only natural. %26quot;