Alliance Poll Do you read the EULA or PCoC?

By now, if you've been playing WAR, you've noticed that every time you fire up the game, you are spammed with a text box that requires you to scroll down and click that you have read the agreement, then click that you accept it. Developers of the game belive that the End User Liscensing Agreement and the Player Code of Conduct must be agreed and read each time you start the game. I'm wondering, who here actually does that, and how do they feel about it? Do other MMO's do this every time? Tell us your experiances.

Its a pain after a few dozen times. But in EQ and WoW both had to for along time after they launched,then they stopped making us do it. Maybe after a time they'll do away with it.

Nope, I don't read those. Who cares?

WoW has this if I remember correctly, but it's only one box to click.

Do they honestly expect us to read through that each time we log in? If they're going to do something that absurd they could atleast add a %26quot;last updated%26quot; message so we know if it's changed recently.

EULAs can be summed up with 5 characters.

EULA and PCoC are pointless, they are just there to annoy customers. Don't mean or do anything useful, much like lawyers.i am from germany so i dont read eulas cause they are not valid here.

i read the pcoc once (ok not entirly just a quick look at it) and its at some points nonsense (imho) like you have to report every bug you encounter, or else they can ban you. Sorry but i am NOT a beta tester (well not anymore) so i dont feel like a have to report every you qa team did not find. But its mostly some %26quot;moral%26quot; thing, that they can point at, if you say, why did you ban me.

I do not care much about it, just dont exploit, dont be offensive and so on, and you will be fine.

PS: Hire some blizzard lawyers for you EA -Ninjalawyer squad cause they do not need to have the eula confirmed every time you log in.

I read them the first time and haven't since.

wow's only comes up when they patch - like a newer version of the game, so you have to re-agree to everything

but i mean, you can have it on the box and in the game manual, and you can still say 'i told you so' if someone breaches it

It takes me 1 hour to log in each day because I read it each time, starting to get annoying, combination of little things like this are what make people cancel their account after the free month.

I read them once, ignorance is no excuse, and to see if there was anything that I really objected to but its a dry read.

The problem with this type of document is they make them far too long. There's always going to be people who click through them but more people would read it if they didn't have to scroll through it all.

But showing it every time I login is a sheer annoyance.

Nope i dont read it, and find it rather annoying it pops up every single time the games launched.

Fact: You need to agree to them both to play the game. You want to play the game. You know you have to agree to them anyway, so why read them?

The gist of it's %26quot;be nice.%26quot;

Thus, I've never read it, nor do I feel the need to every time I log in. Thank you for courteously giving me the option to do so every time I log in, I think one day it'll change my mind and I'll read it...

Or, you know, I'll play the game I'm paying for instead.

I read it the first time and haven't since. I pay attention more to the CoC, as I like to know the rules of what I am playing.

I read it the first time and haven't since. I pay attention more to the CoC, as I like to know the rules of what I am playing.

i believe its more for gold sellers and PLers, so they can nail them immediately, and say, %26quot;well, you had to of read the EULA and PCoC, its required when you log in, and says no gold selling or PLing and you said you agree etc%26quot;

well im assuming it says no gold selling or PLing, ive never read it

Once per patch is fine.

Every login is excessive.

The login process in general is WAY to long and requires far too much babysitting.

I should click the icon, enter user name and password, and then get straight to character select.