Zul'Aman Hunter Duties

Edit: This is posted during maintenance, but was written last night :)

I'm going into Zul'Aman on my (undergeared) Hunter right now, with some well-geared guildmates.

I've only been in ZA with my Mage, but I know there's duties I have to worry about as a Hunter in order to appear semi-competent.

Here is where I write about those duties:


On Nalorakk when he changes form, redirect onto the tank. I'll only be able to do this once every second time, so I'm Misdirecting onto the Warrior tank and letting the Pally tank generate his own threat to facilitate the switch-over between tanks.

On Hex when he shifts form, redirect onto the tank. Same restriction as above.

Tranquilizing shot:

On Hex when DBM says to do it (when he enrages)

Killing Assignment:

On Jan'alai, when killing theatcher going to the right when two come out, while Pally tank handles the hatcher on the left. Watch for the Pally's hatcher for when he's finished hatching the left side because he runs to the right side to hatch those ones if left alive.

Killing the hatcher going to the left when two come out, while Pally tank waits for the Hatcher to hatch the left.

And from there, don't die.

(We made it to Halazzi but didn't down him, too weak in the DPS department beyond myself)