The hunter Epic Quest Hunt for Rhokdelar World of Warcraft mod

The Hunter Epic Quest - The Hunt for Rhokdelar

About this guide.
Having not been able to find any guides online for
Hunters that were decently decked out, we decided to write this guide
up. If you follow the guide the demon fights should go as smoothly as
possible, minimizing your costs (buying pots and buffs for fights and
then failing gets expensive) and maximizing you and your parties

How to read this guide.
Before each demon there will be 5 lists pertaining to the fight.

1. Party List: The party list is a party that you MUST HAVE*
before attempting the fight. I will list each players part of each
fight. Trying the fight without a certain buff from a party member
can cost you the fight, waste time and money.

2. Consumable List: These are consumables that you MUST HAVE* before the
fight. We will explain why each of them is necessary. Usually we'll
list more items than you will use during the fight, but the key is to
have them in case you need them. Why loose a demon fight, waste a few
buffer potions, and have to wait for respawn because you didn%26amp;rsquo;t
bring extra pots with you?

3. Additional Items List:
These are items that you might consider if you are having problems
with the demon.

4. Talents and Skills:
These are the talents and skills required to beat this demon. We highly
recommend moving your skills that you will be using into key binding
you can hit easily. i.e. We always had the sting we were using for
the demon in the 4 quick key and we switched our wing clip to our
mouse thumb button. Whatever feels the most comfortable and easiest
for you.

5. Weapons and Armor:
Weapons and armor used for the fight.*Like we said before, we are writing this guide
as a way to keep you from dying and to make your fight with the
demons as easy as possible. So, we are going to suggest that you be
overly ready and pull out every stop on your first attempts
because that will lower your cost (less pots and repairs), time (if
you de-spawn the demon it takes 15 minutes to spawn again).

General rules for every demon fight.
1. No one can help you on any demon fight after you have engaged in combat. If the
demon or their pet, or helpers, target anyone besides you during the
fight they de-spawn for 15 mins. This includes your pet! You must
have your pet dismissed and have all buffs on before engaging combat.
As a general rule you do not want to use any aura buffs. If you go in
of or out of an aura it will count is as a buff during combat and
de-spawn the demon.
2. Every demon has a weakness. All you have to do is focus on that weakness to beat them. Do not make
the fight more complicated than necessary. You will be using your
hunter in ways you haven%26amp;rsquo;t before. It%26amp;rsquo;s alright. Trust us
3. We recommend giving each demon a few tries with out using any of your
consumables to get the hang of the fight. Once again this is to save
you money. You can attempt the demon with just buffs and reset the
demon with feign death. Once you feel comfortable with the demon use
your potions and other consumables. We usually suggest two tries
without buffs to get the hang of it.
4. Warlocks are very important because they give you healthstones. These are on
different timers from potions and can save your life while waiting to
use a potion again.
5.If the fight inst going well feign death and start again. Its always better to have a solid fight
the entire time than to start shaky and have a chance of finishing.
6. Warn your party to not go near the demon. They like
to hit people not on the quest very very hard : -) well they like to
hit people on the quest hard as well....

Burning Steppes, Klinfran

Party List:
Priest - Power Word Fortitude, Spirit, and Shield before the pull.
Pally - Blessing of Might
Druid - Mark of the Wild, and Thorns before the pull
Warlock - Healthsones, Healthsones, Healthsones!

Consumable List:Elixir of the Mongoose
Elixir of Demon Slaying
Major Health Potions
Major Mana Potions
Major Rejuvenation Potions
Major Healthstone
Greater Healthstone(You probably won't use all of these - but have them in case you need

Additional Items:
Any kind of food that will boost stamina or agility.

Talents and Skill:
Scorpid Sting rank 4, Wingclip rank 1, Aspect of the Monkey.

Weapons and Armor
2H sword demonslayer
*any gear that increases meele attack. Our MMOEdge player used black

About the Demon:
Enrages every 15 seconds extremely increasing his DPS, to upwards 2000 damage per hit.
Upon enraging he wipes all effects on him. (i.e. scorpid sting and
wing clip)

This fight is one long repetition of 3 basic moves. (sigh)Get at maximum distance from
the demon. Hunter mark him, drop an ice trap and get your mana back.
Pull him with an aimed shot. Concussive shot him to get in as much
ranged damage before he hits your ice trap. When he hits the trap
back up and aimed shot him again. This will be the last time you use
ranged damage against him. When you hit him with your aimed shot
immediately use your scorpid sting. Run at him and meele. Do not
try to squeeze in more shots first, do not try to kite him,
run at him and start swinging! This is crucial because you are
developing a rhythm that you will follow for the rest of the fight.
Here is the pattern.Scorpid Sting. Run and meele 3 times*,
after your third swing wing clip him and start strafing away at full
speed. Keep running until he enrages. Do not try to do any ranged
damage while running. Do not use your scorpid sting before he
enrages. Once he enrages and removes all of your effects scorpid
sting him again and repeat the process. Eliminating attempts
for ranged damage keeps you from messing up and missing your sting.
It Keeps you in a rhythm where you should always be at a safe
distance when he enrages so you do not get hit by him. You do not
have to watch the clock. Just swing 3 times, wing clip, run away,
sting. Swing 3 times, wing clip, run away, sting....
Consumables:How you use these depends on how much
health / mana you have during the fight. If you only need health use
a warlocks stone first because you can just get a new one and it
saves $ potions $. To save mana during the fight use wingclip rank
1.*the amount of swings is based on the stats of the 2H
sword demon slayer. If you are using a different weapon you will have
to find the amount of swings you can get in before having to wingclip
and run for your dear life.

We found this area the best to fight in. There are no mobs to kill
and no Drakes to watch out for. The only thing to concern yourself
with is people moving along the road. But most players respect the
quest. Just try to start the demon away from the road so he doesn't
kill people that happen to ride by.

UnGoro Crater, Simone
Party List:
Priest - Power Word Fortitude, Spirit, and Shield before the pull.
Pally - Blessing of Might
Druid - Mark of the Wild, and Thorns before the pull
Warlock - Healthsones, Healthsones, Healthsones!
Hunter - A second hunter to use Aspect of the wild (explained in

Consumable List
Magic Dust (dropped from Dust Devils in Westfall. you will 2-3 per fight)
Greater Stoneshield potion
Elixir of the Mongoose
Elixir of Demon Slaying
Major Health Potions
Major Mana Potions
Major Rejuvenation Potions
Major Healthstone
Greater Healthstone(you will not use all of these in this fight. but have them in case you
need them!)

Additional Items List:
Any kind of food that will boost stamina or agility.If you are an engineer,
you can use the Goblin Rocket Helmet to take the Felhound pet out of
the fight for an extended duration
Talents and Skills:
Viper Sting, Scatter Shot, Aspect of the monkey.

Weapons and Armor:
2H sword demonslayer
Any agility gear that you have.

About the Demon:
Simone comes with a pet. The pet has the same rules
as the demon and can not be attacked by anyone other than yourself
until Simone is dead. She casts Temptress Kiss which reduces ranged
attack power by 1400 for 45 seconds and a slow casting lightning bolt
for about 800 damage.

Strategy:Before the fight
starts have your hunter friend come close to where you will be
fighting. They should turn on their aspect of the wild and then feign
death. If they are a night elf then they can shadowmeld which will
keep them from dieing. This is a close proximity fight so you shouldn
t ever go out of range of their aspect. Just make sure to keep the
fight near the AoW hunter. Also do not use your stoneshield potion
before the fight. You will use it during the battle.After you
get your buffs and your hunter is feigning or melded, Hunter mark
simone and lay a ice trap. Pull her with an aimed shot then
immediately hit her with a concussive shot. This lets her pet hit
your ice trap. Make sure to hit her with a viper sting. When she gets
to you start meeleing. As you fight her keep an eye on her pet. When
the ice trap breaks you will need to target the pet and use a magic
dust to put the pet to sleep.Simone will cast a very slow
lightening spell. You have two options. If you have scatter shot use
it and keep on attacking her. If you do not (I do not have scatter
shot) you will have to strafe out immediately when she starts casting
to get a sting in her before she can cast. If you run backwards you
will move to slowly and get hit. It must be a strafe. You will keep
this pattern up with Simone until she dies. It is a melee fight with
her. Pour on as much damage you can in the beginning while her pet is
in the ice trap and the first time you sleep the pet.When her
pet comes out of the first sleep you will still have a cool down on
your magic dust. This is when you use the Stoneshield potion. You
will be tanking both the pet and Simone until you can sleep the pet
again. *warning* you just used a potion. You should have your greater
healthstone to keep you alive. This is why they are so
important.When possible sleep the pet again and then continue
the fight with Simone. Once she dies your party can help you kill her
pet.We found this area the best to fight in: There are only 3
spawns in this area and no elite dinosaurs. The place you are looking
for is to the west of a giant tree along the south wall. On her path
she will walk right behind the tree east to west.

Silithus, Solenor
Party List:
Priest - Power Word Fortitude, Spirit, Shadow Protection, Fear Ward, Shield pre-pull
Pally - Blessing of Kings
Druid - Mark of the Wild, and Thorns before the pull
Warlock - Healthsones, and Curse of Recklessness

Consumable List:
Shadow Protection Potion
Elixir of the Mongoose
Elixir of demon slaying
Major Health Potions
Major Mana Potions
Major Rejuvenation Potions
Major Healthstone
Greater Healthstone(you will not use all of these in this fight. but have them in case you need them!)

Additional Items List:
any kind of food that will boost stamina or agility.

Talents and Skills:
Wing Clip Rank 3 (must be rank 3), Volley Rank 3, Aspect of the Hawk

Weapons and Armor:
We used Bone Slicing Hatchet x 2 for their agility
bonus.Put on all gear that gives you ranged attack.

About the Demon:
Solenor starts as a gnome named Nelson the Nice. He
has the ability to poot out homing beetles throughout the entire
fight. The beetles come at you and hurt a lot. He hits very hard and

Before you use your potions and
get your final buffs for the fight you have to remove his enraged
state. To do so place a freezing trap on the ground. Hit him and let
him hit your freezing trap. Feign death and let him go back to where
he came from. This will remove is enraged state and make him hit you
for less when you start the fight.When you guys are ready to
fight, get your priest to hit you with Shadow Protection and Fear
Ward. Solenor deals shadow damage, and you'll be hurting without the
Shadow Protection. Shadow protection pots also help with this.
Hunters mark him and then lay down a immolation trap. Now for an
interesting trick: Have your warlock duel you. As soon as the
duel starts have them cast Curse of Recklessness on you. This will
keep you from getting feared by him and will make the fight much
easier to manage. Both you and the warlock have to stay in the duel
area during the fight. They should re curse you during the battle
about every minute to keep you from getting feared.Battle
time. Pull him with an aimed shot and let him hit your immolation
trap. As soon as you can wing clip him and run away until you get
into ranged attack distance. Your wing clip will keep him stationary.
Now all you have to do keep on hitting him and strafing around him in
a circle to avoid the beetles. Make sure to keep ahead of them during
the fight. It more important to stay alive than to squeeze in a few
shots while getting hit by a beetle. In the beginning of the fight
use skills like rapid fire to get his health down quickly. It will be
easier then because you have less beetles to deal with. When your
wing clip breaks he will come at you. Just clip him again and run out
to do more ranged damage.When there are too many beetles
chasing you, strafe around him to get all of the beetles moving at
you in a group. When they are together volley the area that they are
and kill all of them. Allow the ones that are behind to run into your
volley. Eliminate as many as possible. This will allow you to get
back to killing Solenor.Consumables:Once again
health stones are a big player here. I also used a rejuvenation pot
as opposed to a health or mana pot because you go through a lot of
health and mana in this fight. We've found this area the best
to fight in. There are less monsters to kill here than anywhere else
on his path. Stand to the west of the stairs to AQ.

Winterspring, Artorius
Party List:
Priest - Power Word Fortitude, Spirit, Shadow Protection, Remove Magic, and Shield before the pull.
Druid - Mark of the Wild

Consumable List:
Major Health Potions

Additional Items List:

Talents and Skills:
Aspect of the Cheeta, Serpent Sting.

Weapons and Armor:
Agility based.

About the Demon:
Artorius starts out as a Tauren. He casts Demonic Doom which makes you look like a demon and
causes 350 shadow damage every 3 seconds for 1 minute. This will kill

Strategy:This is a kiting fight. You should start him on the south western part of his route. This is the
closest area to the road. Have your party clear the area you will
need to kite through before you start the fight. When you are ready
have your party mount up so they can keep up with you as you kite.
Hunters mark him and lay an ice trap. Pulled with an aimed shot. When
he hits your ice trap back up and hit him with another aimed shot.
Now hit him with a serpent sting, turn around and start running. The
key to this fight is staying out of his demonic doom cast, but
keeping enough agro on him to keep him chasing you. If you see him go
out of range for your weapons let him catch up! But not too much or
you'll get doomed.The easiest way to do this is to keep jump
shooting him with serpent sting about every 4 seconds. (a jump shot
is where you jump while running, and while in the air you spin around
360 degrees. While facing backwards you shoot. You should land going
the same way you took off and not loose a lot of momentum). You can
also zoom in your mini map and keep a eye on his distance through
tracking, but we found this to be unreliable. It was easier for me to
develop a pattern.Once you start kiting him lead him to the
road (hardest part of the kite) and keep on kiting him down the path.
Make sure to have your priest mounted and running near you. If you
get hit with demonic doom feign death. Once you feign and Artorius
resets the priest can safely remove the magic from you. This will
keep you from dieing and save tons on your armor bill. But make sure
they know to wait until you have feigned and he has reset.If
you get him to 10% or less and then get hit with doom you can try to
kill him before you die.The demon is to the west of Le Rocher
Des Tigres Blancs. By kiting him down the road you do not have to
worry about other monsters. Just other players. The hardest part of
the kite is the corner from where you start the fight to get him on
the road. If you cut it to wide he gains a lot of distance.

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  • The hunter Epic Quest Hunt for Rhokdelar (World of Warcraft hunter)

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