Apprentice Herbs World of Warcraft leveling guide

Apprentice Herbs

  1. Peacebloom
    [1] - (used for Discolored Healing Potion, Elixir of Minor
    Fortitude, Minor Healing Potion, Minor Rejuvenation Potion and Weak
    Troll's Blood Potion)

    Found in: Best spot for
    farming Peacebloom along with Silverleaf for Minor Healing Potions
    was (for us) Silverpine Forest/Tirisfal Glades and surroundings.
    You'll usually find Peacebloom on plain lawn.

  2. Silverleaf
    [1] - (used for Elixir of Lion's Strength, Elixir of Minor
    Agility, Elixir of Minor Defense, Minor Healing Potion and Minor
    Mana Potion)
    Found in: See above, Silverpine
    Forest/Tirisfal Glades. Silverleaf mostly grows in bushes next to trees.

  3. Earthroot
    [15] - (used for Elixir of Giant Growth, Elixir of Lion's
    Strength, Elixir of Minor Fortitude, Elixir of Ogre's Strength, Weak
    Troll's Blood Potion)

    Found in: Best place for
    me was the Barrens, while searching this herb you should walk along
    the borders of the zone as it grows on mountains, rocks and hills.

  4. Mageroyal [50] -
    (used for Elixir of Wisdom, Lesser Mana Potion, Minor Magic
    Resistance Potion, Minor Mana potion and Minor Rejuvenation

    Found in: Mageroyal grows all over The
    Barrens. Mostly it grows in wide free areas of of dry soil

Journeyman Herbs

  1. Briarthorn
    [70] - (used for Elixir of Wisdom, Lesser Healing Potion,
    Rage Potion, Strong Troll's Blood Potion and Swiftness Potion)

    Finding this plant will be a pain in the ass as you will
    need a lot of it for healing potions. Best place still, even with
    all the competition of other herbalists, is the Barrens.
    Briarthorn grows always around trees.
  2. Swiftthistle
    [-] - (used for Elixir of Lesser Agility, Elixir of Minor
    Agility, Holy Protection Potion, Swiftness Potion, Swim Speed

    Found in: This herb is found along with
    Mageroyal and Briarthorn in the same plants, so the Barrens is the
    best place for it.
  3. Stranglekelp
    [85] - (used for Elixir of Agility, Elixir of Defense,
    Elixir of Water Breathing, Free Action Potion, Lesser Mana Potion,
    Mana Potion and Nature Protection Potion)

    Found in:
    Best zones for this hard to find herb is the westcoast of Wetlands
    as well as in Ashenvale inside the lakes and rivers. This plant is
    found always under water.
  4. Bruiseweed
    [100] - (used for Elixir of Poision Resistance, Healing
    Potion, Holy Protection Potion, Mighty Troll's Blood Potion and
    Strong Troll's Blood Potion)

    Found in:
    Stonetalon Mountains is a nice place for Bruiseweed, this herb grows
    all over the zone.
  5. Wild
    [115] - (used for Elixir of Defense,
    Elixir of Fortitude, Elixir of Greater Defense, Elixir of Lesser
    Agility, Lesser Invisibility Potion and Minor Magic Resistance

    Found in: Arathi Highlands was a nice
    place for Wild Steelbloom I find, you should walk along the border
    of the zone as this plant is found on mountains, hills and stones.
  6. Grave
    [120] - (used for Shadow Oil and Shadow
    Protection Potions)

    Found in: If there should
    really be need for this herb you should try to find it in Duskwood.
    It grows in graveyards and around graves mostly in the Northwest of
    the zone and also you can find some in the Southeast corner. Watch
    out in Duskwood though with the Alliance cities and guards.
  7. Kingsblood [125] -
    (used for Elixir of Firepower, Elixir of Ogre's Strength, Great
    Rage Potion, Greater Healing Potion, Mana Potion and Shadow
    Protection Potion)

    Found in: Kingsblood is a
    herb that you can easily gather while leveling. Best zones for it are Wetlands, Stranglethorn Vale and Stonetalon Mountains, the herb generally grows all over the zone.

Expert Herbs

  1. Liferoot
    [150] - (used for Greater Healing Potion, Mighty Troll's
    Blood Potion and Nature Protection Potion)

    Found in:
    Stranglethorn Vale and Wetlands are nice places for Liferoot, also I
    found quite some in Arathi Highlands while leveling. Liferoot always
    grows at the edges of lakes.
  2. Fadeleaf
    [160] - (used for Catseye Elixir, Elixir of Detect Lesser
    Invisibility, Lesser Invisibility Potion and Shadow Oil)

    A nice place for this were either Arathi Highlands or
    Stranglethorn Vale for me. Also in Scarlet Monastery you can find
    some; this herb in general is somewhat rare but as far as I remember it grows around little bushes. Fadeleaf is found in quantity in the Badlands, it will grow next to cacti.
  3. Goldthorn
    [170] - (used for Arcane Elixir, Catseye Elixir, Elixir of
    Agility, Elixir of Fortitude, Elixir of Greater Defense, Frost
    Protection Potion, Greater Mana Potion, Lesser Stoneshield Potion, Oil of Immolation and Restorative Elixir)

    Found in:
    Now this is a very important herb, used in a great number of reciepes, you can find this herb in Stranglethorn Vale and Arathi
    Highlands around mountains and hills.
  4. Khadgar's
    [185] - (used for Elixir of Detect
    Lesser Invisibility, Elixir of Frost Power, Elixir of Greater
    Intellect, Frost Oil, Greater Mana Potion, Magic Resistance Potion
    and Superior Healing Potion)

    Found in:
    Khadagar's Whisker is found best also in Stranglethorn Vale and
    Arathi Highlands, around trees in bushes. A nice place for me to
    farm it was at the Whitebark Troll camp southeast of Arathi
  5. Wintersbite [195]
    - (used for Elixir of Frost Power, Frost Oil and Frost Protection

    Found in: Alterac Mountains. Here it
    grows in the center of the zone all over the snowy part, no snow no Wintersbite ^^

Artisan Herbs

  1. Firebloom
    [205] - (used for Goblin Rocket Fuel, Oil of Immolation
    and Philosopher's Stone)

    Found in: Badlands and
    Tanaris are nice places for this flower, it grows all over hot,
    dusty, dry areas.
  2. Wildvine
    [-] - (used for Wildvine Potion)
    Found in:
    Ok this herb does not have its own plant, though you can find it
    sometimes on Purple Lotus plants. Else you get this plant as a drop
    from Troll mobs. Best places to hunt for it are in Stranglethorn
    Vale (Skullsplitter Trolls) and in The Hinterlands (Whitebark
  3. Purple
    [210] - (used for Dreamless Sleep Potion,
    Elixir or Dream Vision, Magic Resistance Potion, Philosopher's Stone
    and Wildvine Potion)

    Found in: Stranglethorn
    Vale and Tanaris are good places to find this herb. It grow mostly
    around stone-ruins. Also there is some Purple Lotus in the Badlands,
    one right outside of Uldaman and one at a fallen column surrounded
    by lesser rock elementals, west of Lotwil Veriatus.
  4. Sungrass
    [230] - (used for Elixir of Giants, Elixir of Greater
    Agility, Elixir of Superior Defense, Invisibility Potion, Superior
    Healing Potion and Mana Potion)

    Found in: Best
    place for this plant is Hinterlands I find. Grows all over
    grass-area and is hard to see, you will have to move around your
    mousepointer to find it. Feralas is a good place too.
  5. Blindweed
    [235] - (used for Arcane Elixir, Elixir of Greater
    Intellect, Gift of Arthas, Limited Invulnerability Potion and
    Superior Mana Potion)

    Found in: Swamp of
    Sorrows all the way. You can find this herb here in large
    quantities, grows around water at the edges.
  6. Ghost
    [245] - (used for Elixir of
    Demonslaying, Elixir of Shadow Power, Ghost Dye, Invisibility Potion
    and Limited Invulnerability Potion)

    Found in:
    You will very rarely find a Ghost Mushroom plant, a few of them grow in the Hinterlands in the north east before crossing the river in a
    cave, also Maraudon has some. I got this herb mostly from hunting
    monsters. They drop from Elemental type of mobs like Thistleshrub
    Drew Collectors in Tanaris or Tar Lords/Bloodpetal Thresters/Tar
    Creepers in Un'Goro Crater. Some Ghost Mushrooms can be found in east DM as well.
  7. Gromsblood
    [250] - (used for Elixir of Brute Force, Elixir of
    Demonslaying, Elixir of Detect Demon, Elixir of Giants and Mighty
    Rage Potion)

    Found in: Very important herb for
    Mighty Rage Potions for Warriors. You can get this herb best in
    Desolace around the Demon mobs in the area with the dark/rotten
  8. Artha's
    [245] - (used for Elixir of Detect Undead
    and Gift of Arthas)

    Found in: Best Place for
    this is Felwood + Eastern/Western Plaguelands. Grows all around the
    zone, is a rare plant though. Can also be found Razorfen Downs on
    the Spiral of Thorns
  9. Golden
    [260] - (used for Major Healing

    Found in: I found this plant mostly in
    Un'Goro Crater. While running around at the edge of the zone, you
    can find Golden Sansam (along with Mountain Silversage for Major
    Healing Potions), in shadowy places next to trees and generally in
  10. Dreamfoil
    [270] - (used for Elixir of the Sages, Flask of Distilled
    Wisdom, Greater Arcane Protection Potion, Greater Fire Protection
    Potion, Greater Frost Protection Potion, Greater Shadow Protection
    Potion and Major Mana Potion)

    Found in: Two nice places for this plant are definately Un'Goro Crater and Azshara, in both places you can run around on your horse/kodo all over the whole zone, you will find not only Dreamfoil but most of the high level herbs you need. Also Azshara seems one of the zones less trafficked, so you will most likely find more Dreamfoil there than in Un'Goro crater, but Un'Goro is still the best place.
    Dreamfoil grows all over the zone in grass.
  11. Mountain
    [280] - (used for Elixir of
    Mongoose, Flask of Chromatic Resistance, Major Healing Potion)
    Extremely important and largely used herb (crit potion for rogues and major healing potions), best place to search for it is Un'Goro Crater imo. Run along the edge of the zone as the plant
    grows on the highest possible (climbable) mountains.
  12. Plaguebloom
    [285] - (used for Elixir of Brute Force, Mongoose Potion,
    Elixir of the Sages and Purification Potion)

    Found in:
    Best and easiest place for this is Eastern Plaguelands. Grows all
    over the zone, mostly in the south-east corner though.
  13. Icecap
    [290] - (used for Flask of Chromatic Resistance, Flask of
    Distilled Wisdom, Major Mana Potion and Purification Potion)

    All over Winterspring.
  14. Black Lotus [300]
    - (used for Flask of Chromatic Resistance, and Flask of Distilled

    Found in: Ok this is the rarest plant
    ever, places it has been picked up so far are Eastern Plaguelands, Winterspring and Burning Steppes. Another good spot for this herb is the arena in Dire Maul, (you need a group for this) depending on if a rare named is up there spawn 2 Black Lotuses in the arena and can be harvested, you need to kill the named though which takes about a full group. Black Lotus can also be found in Alterac Valley and Silithus.

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