Frostbolt To The Nose - Curveball!

I found another great screenshot while I was going through my "cut but unused" screenshot directory that I thought to share.

Aiming For Its Nose

One thing I'm sure we've all noticed very early on in playing the game is that those of us who attack from a range fire off our spells or arrows or bullets and those things we fire off ALWAYS hit the enemy smack dab on the nose if it doesn't miss entirely.

Therefore, if a mob is turned sideways to a ranged attacker firing on him, it looks like the ranged attacker is being a hot-shot, firing at the mob's head instead of taking the broad side and firing directly into it.

And even better, if a mob is facing towards you when you fire off your ranged attack, and then the mob changes direction while your shot is heading towards him, your shot does this huge curve to make sure it hits the mob smack on the nose.

Frostbolt is great for showing its trail of attack - check out this curveball from a late-night PUG in Auchenai Crypts with my Mage before he hit 70:

Late Night Auchenai Crypts PUG