WoWGrrl Recommends: Helpful User Interface Adjustments

June 2008 edit: NOTE! THIS ENTRY IS OUT OF DATE. Check back for a more current version.

I recently got a new computer and a second installation of World of Warcraft, and was reminded of what specific User Interface changes I make to the default Blizzard setup each and every time I start on a new machine (ie: logging in from my brother's place, etc), long before worrying about any addons. I thought to share them with everyone here in case some of this may be useful to others!

To Begin

All of these configurations are available in the "Interface" menu which becomes available when you hit the Escape key (might need to hit it twice, as first Escape cancels out your current target or action, and second Escape then opens the menu).

Warcraft Interface Menu


Display: NPC Names, Friend or Foe?

By default, players and NPCs do not have their name hovering over their head - the only way a player can see their information is to hover over them with a mouse. This isn't a big deal in a town (while it is annoying, since often we're sent to an NPC by their name), but as soon as a player is moving off into the wilderness, it's really best to be able to see from a glance whether a mob's name is in green (Friendly), yellow (Neutral) or red (an enemy that will attack if you get too close).

Display: Show Own Name

I turn this one on because I take a lot of screenshots and wish to have my name in there just like I have the others.

Plus, having your own name hovering over your head lets you see INSTANTLY when you're flagged for PvP because of the name color change. I find the PvP symbol on my picture in the top left is too inconspicuous to be noticed until I've been PvP'd and realize I had flagged myself somewhere along the line recently.

Display: Instant Quest Text

By default, the Quest Text scrolls as you're given a quest, and you cannot accept the quest until the entire text has finished scrolling into place. Considering at times there are 5-10 quests to pick up in a new town and dungeon partymates want to get the sharing overwith quickly and get on with the killing, I make sure I check this box off very early in play so I don't grow old waiting for the text - which I only read later, if at all - to finish scrolling.

Controls: Auto Loot Corpse

My default, auto-loot is not turned on, but you can hold down your Shift key to auto-loot at any time.

If you put a check in this box, however, the default will be auto-loot, and you can hold down your Shift key to do a manual loot at any time.

This auto-loot functionality also affects the auto-looting of Enchanting materials that have come about by disenchanting a magical item.

User Interface Basic Tab - WoWGrrl Configuration Recommendations

Show Enemy Casting Bars: On Portraits

Most classes have a casting interrupt ability, and it's one of those skills that are exceptionally useful in a dungeon/party situation when dealing with multiple enemy NPCs at one time. Checking off this box in the configuration will make timing your interrupts much easier because you can actually see what your target is casting, along with how long of a cast-time it takes to execute, instead of relying merely on combat visual cues.

Status Bar Text: Display Percentages

Ever wonder how people know that they got a certain mob or boss down to a certain percentage of health before the battle ended?

Well, there are probably addons that make for better information, but checking off this configuration box will serve a basic purpose of displaying health in a percent instead of a numerical value.

Personally, I don't like to have this checked off for my healer toons because I'm much more familiar with healing by the numbers, but for my DPS toons that don't have to worry about overheals, it's great.


Action Bars: Show Bottom Left/Right, Side Left/Right

Running out of Action Bar space for quick execution of things otherwise found in your spellbook or masses of inventory?

Check off these top four boxes as I have, and you'll have lots more Action Bar space once again. You'll need to set up your own Keybindings, however, for quickest non-click execution.

That's a topic for another entry.

Chat: Guild Member Alert

Want to be informed whenever a guildmate logs in or out, just like you're informed whenever someone on your Friends list logs in or out? Check off this box and greet those logging in with the rest of the cool kids.

Raid %26#038; Party: Show Target of Target

This feature is useful for players who regularly take part in dungeon instance parties or raids, and its function is to allow players to see who their target is targeting - and thus in a battle, effectively see who "has aggro" from that particular mob.

This functionality gives tanks instant information as to when a target is not being tanked any longer due to healing or DPS pulling aggro, and gives healers and DPS classes instant information as to when they should be engaging in evasive tactics to allow the tank to re-gain the mob's attention again if required.

If you don't know you've pulled aggro until the mob starts towards you, you've lost precious reaction time for evasive maneuvers. If you're a tank who isn't aware of what your targets are targeting, you're losing precious reaction time for an in-range taunt at a key moment in order to protect your party-mates.

If you play solo, this doesn't matter so much, unless you have a pet tank (pet, voidwalker, elemental, whatever) and you like to pay enough attention to keep aggro on it.

User Interface Advanced Tab - WoWGrrl Configuration Recommendations

Floating Combat Text: Enable Floating Combat Text

By default, all combat information is sent to the Combat Log which is tucked behind the General chat window where your default guild and public line conversations show up.

If you would like to bring some important Combat information into a more visible area of play, consider turning on Floating Combat Text.

At the very least, any toon could make use of the Combat State and Show Friendly Healer Names as ways to know when you've entered into and exited combat, and to tell you who sent you that heal from afar, so you can thank them!

My level-capped toons also appreciate seeing the Reputation gains, and any toon that engages in PvP will appreciate seeing the Honor being gained throughout their fights.

Did I Miss Any Good Ones?

These are the ones I tend to check off whenever I sit at a new computer and need to configure my user interface once again (ie: new computer, or visiting brother and using his), but there might be ones I missed that you use and find indispensable.

Leave a note, I'd love to hear from you!