WinterTime (1.45)

Change Log:


Enabled WinterTime for all players on all realms.



Minor bug patch related to version information being passed



*Fixed a bug where the time was not being grabbed automaticly when the portal was taken into Wintergrasp.

*Fixed minor issue some people had with the global sync.



*Added options frame

*Added Alpha

*Added Scale

*Added 'Show timer on start' option

*Added reset ability

-- 1.34 --

Fixed minor display issue

-- 1.33 --

*added server wide global channel,

*removed misc bugs

Displays the time until the next WINTERGRASP battle in a small movable frame. Works for ALL players on ALL realms.

The addon grabs valid times from:

* Talking to a portal keeper

* Standing in Dalaran when a time is yelled

* Entering Wintergrasp itself

These times are shared realm wide and auto-syncs upon log in.

This enables one person to talk to the portal-keeper and the entire network of people running the addon will get the new updated time.

WinterTime will listen to Guild chat and when it hears "!wg" or "!wt" it will announce the current time in guild chat. This feature is set so that only ONE person in the guild will announce to reduce spam.

Guild auto-announce is also active. It will announce times in guild chat at 15, 5, 0 minutes.

This addon is a complete Stand-Alone Addon that requires no additional support.

--Command Line options--

/wt {guild | options | reset | scale (scale) | timer | version}

/wt 'Displays current time'

- guild 'Announces time in guild chat.'

- options 'Opens the options GUI'

- reset 'Resets the timer to defaults'

- scale (scale) 'Scales the frame (2 - .5)'

- timer 'Displays timer frame.'

- version 'Installed Version'



*Look into language localization

*Look into timer color change option