Understand Macros Macro Guid World of Warcraft grinding guide

To use the macro, run World of Warcraft, and type /macro. This will
bring up a new window with empty boxes. At the bottom, select 'new' and you
are promted to select a graphic icon and to name your macro. After that you
get to a screen where you can type up to 254 characters. Simple highlight
the macro from this guide, copy it (by pressing CTRL + C) and paste it (by
pressing CTRL + V) into the text box in the game.

So, What can Macros NOT do? They can not:
-Make you move
-Cast more than one spell
-Use wait commands.

Alot of people find that macro's are hard to create, well this is where i come in.
I am here to help you guys with macro'ing :D, I dont know if something similar
has been posted, but i am sure, it will help anyway.

So, What can Macros do? Many things! Read below.

[4] Basics


Macro: %t
Use: This will say the name of your target.
Example: You target the silver elite mob Broken Tooth and say '/g Hey,
%t spawned.', it'll show up as '[Guild] Hey, Broken Tooth

-Accept Quest

Macro: /script AcceptQuest()
Use: This will automatically accept any quest without waiting for it
to scroll down in full.
Example: N/A


Macro: /cast Spell name()
Use: Cast a spell using a macro.
Example: /cast Fireball(Rank 3) or /cast Backstab(Rank 1)


Macro: /script AttackTarget();
Use: Starts hacking away at an enemy, same effect as right click.
Example: N/A


Macro: /assist %t or /assist ****
Use: Using %t will assist your current target, and the second you
replace the stars with the persons name, so all you have to do
is press a button and you can always attack the same thing as
someone else in your party. Same effect as pressing 'F' button
while having a party member targeted.
Example: You have a tank named Drizzt, and you want to attack only what
he attack, '/assist Drizzt' will give you Drizzt's target.

-Target Last Enemy

Macro: /script TargetLastEnemy();
Use: Targets last enemy you had.
Example: You're the back up healer and you're fighting something, you go
and heal someone, and you press this macro to go right back to
the mob you where fighting.

-Enemy Infos

/script SendChatMessage('Level: ' .. UnitLevel('target') , 'party');
Use: Like %t, it list the target's level.

/script SendChatMessage('Class: ' .. UnitClassification('target') , 'party');
Use: Put's the target's class in your chat box.

/script SendChatMessage('Family: ' .. UnitCreatureFamily('target') , 'party');
Use: Put's the target's family in your chat box.

/script SendChatMessage('Race: ' .. UnitRace('target') , 'party');
Use: Put's the target's race in your chat box.

[5] Bags

-Understanding location

First, let me explain how to figure the location of each of your items.
Say we have a potion in the bottom most right hand corner of your second
bag on the left. I'll walk you threw how to find the location of that item.

Look down on your tool bar where your bags are. You see them? Bottom right
hand corner? Good. Each of your bags have a number assigned to them, and
it starts from your backpack (16 slot bag you start off with) to your
to the first slot. Here's a little ASCII visual:
? || [4] [3] [2] [1] [0] |

This is our tool bar, from left to right we have: Call GM button, Latency
bar, a Small Quiver, a Green Sack, a Small Bag, a Runecloth bag, and our
Backpack. Our potion is in the second bag on the left.. Our Green sack.
Looking at the little visual, we find that our green sack's location
number is 3.

Moving on, now we have to find out the location of our bag slots. More
ASCII visual fun!

Bag 0 Bag 1
O-- Backpack --O O%26#8211;Runecloth Bag %26#8211;O
| | | |
| [ 1][ 2][ 3][ 4] | | [ 1][ 2] |
| [ 5][ 6][ 7][ 8] | | [ 3][ 4][ 5][ 6] |
| [ 9][10][11][12] | | [ 7][ 8][ 9][10] |
| [13][14][15][16] | | [11][12][13][14] |
| | O------O
| 77g 77s 77c |

Bag 2 Bag 3

O- Small Bag --O O- Green Sack -O
| | | |
| [ 1][ 2][ 3][ 4] | | [ 1][ 2] |
| [ 5][ 6][ 7][ 8] | | [ 3][ 4][ 5][ 6] |
O------O | [ 7][ 8][ 9][10] |
Bag 4

O%26#8211; Small Quiver %26#8211;O
| |
| [ 1][ 2] |
| [ 3][ 4][ 5][ 6] |

This is pretty straight forward and should be easy to see. Our potion's
location is bag three in bottom-most right hand slot. Looking at the visual
we see that that would be slot 10 - So we have Bag 3, Slot 10. therefore,
our potion's location is (3,10)!

-Putting Location to Use

Macro: /script PickupContainerItem(#,#);
Use: Selects the item and puts it on your curser.
Example: /script PickupContainerItem(3,10); will put the potion we just
found on our curser.

-Open/Close all your bags

Macro: /script ToggleBag(0);
/script ToggleBag(1);
/script ToggleBag(2);
/script ToggleBag(3);
/script ToggleBag(4);

Use: Opens all your bags or close them all if you have them open.
Same function as CTRL+B almost.
Example: N/A

[6] Equip

-Understanding location

Like bags, each spot in your equip window has a numbered location.

( )=========Name=========[x] 0. Ammo
|----------| 1. Head
|----------| 2. Neck
|[ 1] | | [10]| 3. Shoulders
|[ 2] | | [ 6]| 4. Shirt
|[ 3] | | [ 7]| 5. Chest
|[15] | | [ 8]| 6. Waist
|[ 5] | | [11]| 7. Legs
|[ 4] | | [12]| 8. Feet
|[19] | | [13]| 9. Wrist
|[ 9] | | [14]| 10. Hands
| ------ | 11. Finger
| [16][17][18]%26lt;-[0] | 12. Finger
|----------| 13. Trinket
[~~~] [~~~] [~~~] 14. Trinket
15. Back
16. Main Hand
17. Off Hand
18. Ranged Weapon
19. Tabard

-Putting Location to Use

Macro: /script PickupInventoryItem(#);
Use: Equips what's on your hand.
Example: Not really used by it's self, it's more for use along side the
container pickup macro. For example we're using a Sword and
have an axe in our backpack (location 0,1).

Looking back, we can take:

/script PickupContainerItem(#,#); %26lt;- put in item location, 0,1
/script PickupInventoryItem(#); %26lt;- put in equip location, 16

Now we have:
/script PickupContainerItem(0,1)
/script PickupInventoryItem(16);

So if you clikc this macro, it will replace the sword with the

[7] Pets

-Pet Attack

Macro: /script PetAttack();
Use: Sends your pet to attack. Best used with a hunter's shot skill.
Example: N/A

-Pet's Target

Macro: /script TargetUnitsPet('Player');
Use: Targets what your pet is targeting.
Example: N/A

-Auto Feed Pet

Macro: /cast Feed Pet
/script PickupContainerItem (#,#)
Use: When I played my hunter, I loved this macro. When you press
this macro, it'll cast Feed pet on the PickupContainerItem.
The way this works is that all you do is press it, and it'll
automatically feed your pet the item in the bag/slot you
Example: Your too lazy to feed your pet, so you press a button and it's
all done.

-Warlock fears, pet stays.

Macro: /cast Fear(Rank #)
/script PetFollow();
Use: Warlock cast fear, and pet quits attacking. Good to prevent
your pet from messing your fear up.
Example: N/A

-Hunter Pull A

Macro: /cast Concussive Shot();
/script PetAttack();
Use: This is a macro I use for my pet, and I love it. It's great
for solo. What it does is whenever you cast your Concussive
shot (which activates Autoshoot), it'll send your pet to
attack. Great for solo, because if your pet has the highest
growl, you shouldn't get hit.
Example: N/A

-Hunter Pull B

Macro: /cast Hunters Mark(Rank #);
/script PetAttack();
/cast Autoshoot();
Use: This was created by NetherRelm, and also works very well. This
will cast Hunter Mark on the enemy, and like mine, send your pet
to attack and turn Autoshoot on.
Example: N/A

[8] Useful Macros

First and foremost, most of the macros came from here:


This is the Offical World of Warcraft Macro boards, and
you can find new macros there all the time, or post your own.

-Change Action Bar Page

/script ChangeActionBarPage();
Use: Replace 'X' with the action bar page number, and by pressing
this, it'll automatically change.
Example: You have two of these, both set on the '=' on page 1 and 2,
and have page 1's set to change to page 2, and vise virsa. When
ever you press '=', it'll toggle between page 1 and 2.

-Sharpen weapons with stones

Macro: /script UseContainerItem (#,#);
/script PickupInventoryItem (16);
Use: Simply press a button and use a Sharpening or Weightstone.
Example: Press a button, sharpen your weapon. Change the 16 or 17
to do it for a secondary weapon. For the #'s on the first line,
please refer to 'Understanding Location' in section 6.

-Quick Self-Bandage

Macro: /target [Player Name]
/script UseContainerItem(#, #);
/script TargetLastEnemy();
Use: Really nice macro for duels or 1v1 pvp. You can stun/fear
your enemy, press this and it'll automatically bandage you
without loosing your target.
Example: N/A

Hope this helped you all

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  • Understand Macros Macro Guid (World of Warcraft all)

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