Transmute Cooldown Reminder: Group Calendar

There was a time when I was vigilant about my transmutes on my various toons.

Every day I would transmute a Primal of one type into a Primal of another with some end goal in mind (be it the eventual transmute of Primal Mights or other transmutes for gearing materials).

Every day I would check and see how much longer it was before I could transmute cloth again, and make sure I had the materials days in advance.

My Transmuting History

Initially, I was just transmuting Shadowcloth, but at some point I decided to transmute Primal Mooncloth and Spellcloth, even though I wasn't spec'd for those ones. When I was creating my Mage's Shadowcloth 3-piece set, I did this so I could trade Primal Mooncloth and Spellcloth for the Shadowcloth and make the job a shorter one to get my set.

Then, when my Priest tailor hit the Outland and specialized in Primal Mooncloth (which is easy to specialize in, as it's done via turn-in instead of dungeon quest drop), I stopped making Primal Mooncloth and Spellcloth on my Mage and just made what each Tailor was spec'd for.

Then, when my Priest had enough Primal Mooncloth to make her primary Primal Mooncloth set and had it all crafted, waiting for me to hit level 70 and put it on, I stopped transmuting. I switched my Mage from Shadowcloth to Spellcloth and then did very little with it.

Transmuting Falls Off... Then Picks Up

Oh sure, I'd transmute once in a while, but not as regularly as I used to. A friend would mention needing something, and I'd do it for a couple of days and then slack off again.

And then we started to use Group Calendar within my guild.

And the dern thing reminds me that I've got transmutes coming up, or transmutes available.

So now it's almost like a compulsion... I log in and it says "Spellcloth transmute available" and I can't help but log over to the right toon and get it transmuted as part of my morning rituals after I'm done whatever it was I logged in to do initially.

What Do I Do With It?

My stockpile of Primal Mooncloth and Spellcloth is growing now, and it's making me wonder what I should do with it. (besides sell it, which I only do when hard up for cash)

Already my Mage has 20 slot Primal Mooncloth bags - perhaps I should upgrade my Hunter's bags, since I'm always struggling with room because of losing a full bag to arrows?

Maybe I should get the Whitemend Set for my Priest.

I haven't quite decided.