Life In A Quiet Guild - New Tabard!

After I finished my two-and-a-half month stint in a raiding guild that was taking on 25 man content, I created a guild of my own, and named it Silence is Golden.

Initially, there were some strangers in the guild, but I paid them off well and thanked them for their charter-signing services, and sent them on their way.

Then, I set up the Guild Bank and bought two tabs, and started putting things in there that my various Outland toons would share - potions, elixirs, gems and the likes.

When I invited my father into the guild, I re-arranged the bank tabs a bit and put the things I wanted to share with MY toons in tab two, and things that would be more beneficial for my father's characters, who are still in Azeroth, in tab one.

Since the guild only had Dad and I in it, I set it up so that our characters could take repairs from the guild bank instead of our own funds, and I started using the Guild Bank as my Money Storage Device, very much liking the log tracking feature that comes along with official Guild Banks as compared to a "Bank Toon".

Designing The Guild Tabard

The Guild Tabard, of course, is the very best part of being in a non-raiding guild.

Of course!

I mean, when you see guilds advertising in Trade about their non-raiding guilds, trying to get new members, what are the two things they mention? First and foremost, that they have a Tabard, and then that they have a Guild Bank.

My initial tabard for the guild reflected a general resentment towards the sheer volume of JUNK I had been expected to endure on the guild line before making my own quiet spot where Silence was the word... you can see that tabard in my Gruul's Lair videos while taking on either High King Maulgar or Gruul the Dragonkiller himself.

That tabard is, well, like it's getting ready to bite someone with big teeth.

I've since relaxed into the quietness of my own guild, so a two weeks ago I re-designed the Guild Tabard to something that is more reflective of my father and myself. It\%26#039;s the closest to a Canadian Flag that I could make

I've had some compliments on the Tabard in the battlegrounds even! Kind of funny.

I'm thinking of changing the music my videos tend to end with, to encorporate the Canadian theme a wee bit. Right now I can only think of beer commercials:

"I am, you know I am... I am Canadian..."

And of course, the big poem about being Canadian but not saying "aboot" and not living in igloos etc...

Any suggestions for me? :)