The deal with the coins Warcraft iii

The deal with the coins:
There are 44 'Elders' all over the world (and 6 in instances). They are easy to spot, because they have a bright white shaft of light all around them. Each elder has a quest, which is really just talking to him. There is no pre-requisite to do this, you can simply walk up and talk to any of the 50 Elders listed below. A quick 'Continue' then 'Complete,' and you have yourself a Coin of Ancestry. Each elder gives you 1 coin, and 50 reputation with all horde/alliance factions (example: 50 reputation with Darkspear Trolls, Orgrimmar, Thunder Bluff, and Undercity - so, 200 reputation total) when you talk to them and complete the mini-quest.

The Coins of Ancestry can be turned in to 2 NPC's in Nighthaven, a city in Moonglade, for various rewards (listed at the bottom of this post). Now, the rewards aren't that good, but the reputation is outstanding. If you visit all of the NPC's and get their coins, you will recieve a total of 10,000 reputation. TEN THOUSAND. That's the same as turning in 200 stacks of Runecloth. The mini-quests give no EXP. (Thanks Basic, of Kil'Jaeden). You, however, get no bonus for collecting all 50. Which is a bit of an anti-climax.

Here's a list of all the NPC's and where they're located.

Eastern Kingdoms
The Undercity - Elder Darkcore, in the throne room at the city entrance
Tirisfal Glades - Elder Graveborn, Brill, by the Inn on the path
Silverpine Forest - Elder Obsidian, Sepulcher, at front gate
Western Plaguelands - Elder Moonstrike, Scholomance, right outside the instance on the roof of the portal building
Western Plaguelands - Elder Meadowrun, south of Weeping Cavern (Big thanks to Scurn of Darkspear)
Eastern Plaguelands - Elder Windrun, Crown Guard Tower
Eastern Plaguelands - Elder Snowcrown, Light's Hope Chapel
The Hinterlands - Elder Highpeak, on the hill at The Creeping Ruin
Loch Modan - Elder Silvervein, Thelsamar, on a hill overlooking the graveyard. (thanks Lark of Khaz Modan for the fix)
Dun Morogh - Elder Goldwell, Kharanos, just North of the Inn along the outside wall
Ironforge - Elder Bronzebeard, The Mystic Ward in the central pool
Searing Gorge - Elder Ironband, Blackchar Cave
Burning Steppes - Elder Dawnstrider, Flamecrest, just West of the flight path, off the ramp.
Burning Steppes, Elder Rumblerock, Dreadmaul Rock, to the right of the highest cave
Blasted Lands - Elder Bellowrage, Dark Portal, just over the North lip of the crater
Stormwind City - Elder Hammershout, The Park around the center
Elwynn Forest - Elder Stormbrow, Goldshire, behind the blacksmith shop by the lake.
Westfall - Elder Skychaser, Sentinel Hill, at the top of the tower.
Stranglethorn Vale - Elder Winterhoof, Booty Bay, near the boat dock on the lowest level
Stranglethorn Vale - Elder Starglade, Zul'Gurub, right outside the instance portal to the south

Darnassus - Elder Bladeswift, Cenarion Enclave
Teldrassil - Elder Bladeleaf, Dolanaar, just South-East of the Inn next to a moonwell
Darkshore - Elder Starweave, Auberdine, just South of city along beach (Thanks Yevin of Feathermoon for the fix)
Ashenvale - Elder Riversong, Astranaar, center of city in a gazebo
Winterspring - Elder Brightspear, Ruins of Kel'theril, south-east of the frozen lake in the ruins
Winterspring - Elder Stonespire, Everlook, outside the bank
Azshara - Elder Skygleam, Ravencrest Monument, eastern tip of the fallen green statue
Felwood - Elder Nightwind, Jaedenar, North of the first cave, heading towards the river
Orgrimmar - Elder Darkhorn, outside Thrall's chamber in the Valley of Wisdom
Durotar - Elder Runetotem, Razor Hill, south of the Razor Hill Barracks
The Barrens - Elder Windtotem, Ratchet, near where the engineer trainer/suppliers are in the North.
The Barrens - Elder Moonwarden, The Crossroads, near flight path
The Barrens - Elder High Mountain, Camp Taurajo, east gate
Thunder Bluff - Elder Proudhorn, Elder Rise
Mulgore - Elder Bloodhoof, Bloodhoof Village, next to the bridge on the path leading to Thunder Bluff
Feralas - Elder Grimtotem, Lariss Pavilion
Feralas - Elder Mistwalker, Dire Maul, in the middle of the arena PvP area
Thousand Needles - Elder Skyseer, Freewind Post
Thousand Needles - Elder Morningdew, Mirage Raceway, next to the start/finish line
Tanaris - Elder Ragetotem, Vallew of the Watchers, behind a pillar on the west side of the giants
Tanaris - Elder Dreamseer, Gadgetzan, south gate
Un'goro Crater - Elder Thunderhorn, Slithering Scar, just north of the underground hive.
Silithus - Elder Bladesing, Cenarion Hold, in the moonwell
Silithus - Elder Primestone, Crystal Vale, right before the North-west tent

Inside Instances
Elder Farwhisper - Eastern Plaguelands, Stratholme, Go in the service gate, then the gate to Scarlet Strat on the left, then hang a right. (possible, but difficult, for a rogue to stealth to. See Page #7 for details)
Elder Starsong - Swamp of Sorrows, Sunken Temple, In the large central dragon room with the hole in the middle, north-east corner.
Elder Morndeep - Blackrock Depths, Ring of Law, middle of the arena floor (Thanks Wodin of Proudmoore)
Elder Stonefort - Blackrock Spire, LBRS, past the first bridge
Elder Wildmane - Tanaris, Zul'Farrak, next to Gahz'rilla's pool (thanks, Mishona of Zul'jin)
Elder Splitrock - Desolace, Maraudon, between Rotgrip and the Inventor

The Elders send you items in the mail after you've spoken with them.
From Euphemia of Stormreaver: 'Lucky Red Envelope=Lucky Rockets which once fired will get you a +250hp buff for 30 mins.' You get one of these from every Elder you speak to.
(images removed, bandwidth exceeded and they weren't very interesting anyway.)

The following are all from the 2 NPC's in Nighthaven, Moonglade. None of the Coin turnins give any reputation or experience. There are also level requirements to see the items.
From Adienia of Illidan (big thanks, Adienia):

Q u o t e:

Level 25
Small Rockets
Level 35
Large Rockets
Level 45
Cluster Rockets
Firework Launcher
Level 50
Festive Recipes
Level 55
Large Cluster Rockets
Cluster Launcher


Festive Lunar Dresses, 5 Coins
Choice of Green, Pink, or Purple Dress (no stats) and a 'Lunar Festival Fireworks Pack'

Festive Lunar Pant Suits, 5 Coins
Choice of Black, Blue, or Teal Pant Suit (looks like spandex body suit or something, no stats) and a 'Lunar Festival Fireworks Pack'

Lunar Dumplings, 1 Coin
8x Festival Dumplings (Food) - Restores 4% of Health and Mana per second for 25 seconds.

Elune's Candle, 5 Coins
Elune's Candle - Unique - Use: Shoots a firework at target. - 88 Charges. You also get a 'Lunar Festival Fireworks Pack' with that.

Firework Launcher, 5 Coins
Schematic: Firework Launcher - NOT Bind on Pick Up - Requires Engineering (225) - Teaches you how to make a Firework Launcher. (Firework Launcher - Use: Place on the ground to launch firework rockets. Lasts 30 minutes.) ... and 'Lunar Festival Fireworks Pack'

Festive Recipes, 5 Coins
Pattern: Festive Red Dress - NOT Bind on Pick Up - Requires Tailoring (250) - Dress has no stats.
Pattern: Festive Red Pant Suit - NOT Bind on Pick Up - Requires Tailoring (250) - Again, no stats.
... and of course, a 'Lunar Festival Fireworks Pack'

Cluster Launcher, 5 Coins
Schematic: Firework Cluster Launcher - NOT Bind on Pick Up - Requires Engineering (275) - Teaches you how to make a Firework Cluster Launcher. (Cluster Launcher - Use: Place on the ground to launch cluster rockets. Lasts 30 minutes) ... and a 'Lunar Festival Fireworks Pack'

(These are containers that have the schematics for Fireworks recipe inside them. The schematics are Bind on Pick Up and require 225 Engineer at the highest. Thanks Amelle from Lightning's Blade)
Small Rockets, 5 Coins
Small Rocket Recipe and a 'Lunar Festival Fireworks Pack'
Large Rockets, 5 Coins
Large Rocket Recipe and a 'Lunar Festival Fireworks Pack'
Cluster Rockets, 5 Coins
Cluster Rocket Recipe and a 'Lunar Festival Fireworks Pack'
Large Cluster Rockets, 5 Coins
Large Cluster Rocket Recipe and a 'Lunar Festival Fireworks Pack'

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