Broker Factions (1.5)

Change Log:

- Configuration menu has been totally revamped. Display details for factions/reputation have been split into tabs for Button/Tooltip.

- Removed unnecessary labels and characters.

- Ace3 update.

- LibQTip-1.0 beta update (experimental). This version should allow players to change tooltip style (background/borders etc) via addons that manipulate the GameTooltip.



- LibTooltip-1.0 renamed to LibQTip-1.0. Implemented necessary changes.



- Added German localization.

- Implemented code changes to support non-English locales for reputation gains and new factions discovered.

- Fixed a bug (hopefully) where more than 1 factions would not set initial values properly, when 'discovered'.

- Added a slider widget in the configuration menu, that allows the user to explicitly set the tooltip scale, in order to compensate for abnormally large tooltips.



- Ace3 Update.

- Removed Wotlk specific code.

- Implemented an option to hide text entirely from the button/block.

- Revamped tooltip handling. LibTooltip-1.0 (beta) is now being used, faction data should properly appear, justified in columns.

- Implemented different DO icons for Horde/Alliance.



- Moved LibDataBroker-1.1 outside libs to properly support no-external version.

- Ace3 lib update.

- .toc bump for World of warcraft 3.0.



- Fixed a bug with certain Wrath of the Lich King factions that also act as headers. The addon should now properly show such factions on the tooltip and monitor them as intended.

- Implemented a couple of safeguards just in case something goes wrong when faction info is requested and not found.

- Added data source type for the LDB object.



- Fixed an issue where newly discovered factions would not register an initial reputation value in order to properly monitor session gains.

- Fixed a small locale typo.



- Initial release (committed proper zip)

Broker Factions is a simple Ace3 LDB Data Feed plugin that provides an easy way to monitor your reputation with the various factions. It is loosely based on FactionsFu (Elkano) and the older Titan Factions (Phanx).

What it does:

Provides a tooltip where all factions reputations are summarized. Details can be customized in the addon's configuration panel (Right-Click on it to bring up the config screen automatically). Factions that are under collapsed groups (or subgroups), in Blizzard's reputation tab frame (character screen) will not be shown. Likewise, inactive factions will be hidden.

Provides a button where the addon's monitored reputation can be shown. You can select the faction you wish to monitor from the configuration panel. Factions that are inactive/under collapsed groups will not be monitored. You may also choose to hide the monitored faction entirely, if you only want to view the tooltip, every now and then.

Session gains can be shown on both the button and the tooltip.

The addon "remembers" collapsed groups that you set per session and will attempt to restore these settings automatically, whenever you enter the world.

Provides an option so that your monitored faction switches automatically to reflect the faction you last gained reputation with. Also provides options to use Blizzard's monitored faction or even set your own monitored faction as the "watched" faction (the one shown above the normal experience bar if not level capped).

Provides an option to paste reputation info into a currently opened chat box.

What it doesn't do:

It does not use/provide a "clicky" or scrolling tooltip to totally replace Blizzard's reputation frame/tab and chances are it never will.

It will not automatically set a faction to monitor according to your location/zone. I have decided against implementing this feature, at least for the time being.

The addon should be considered beta quality until further notice (yet it should be stable enough as not to cause any serious issues). Please report any bugs or glitches so that they may be properly addressed.

Bear in mind that Broker Factions, as all DataBroker plugins does not provide it's own display, you will need a LDB-based display addon, such as Fortress, Carousel, StatBlockCore, Wraith, Titan Panel etc.