Alterac Valley Preform Enabler: Horde's Easy Way To Dominate AV

On occasion, I read more forums than just the Guild Relations one on the World of Warcraft site. Sometimes I wander over to the General forums for general entertainment, and usually while I'm there, I see a lot of threads on the topic of Battlegrounds and whether Horde or Alliance have an inherent edge thanks to the various forces that influence things.

Alterac Valley is the big one right now that everyone is up in arms about - changes implemented over the last year have shifted the win:loss ratio according to some, to where Alliance is constantly losing to Horde, where it used to be flipped around, with Horde claiming Alliance had a geographical advantage. (and before that, there were 18 hour AV rounds...)

Do I know if any of it is accurate?

Not really. All I know is that as a casual player who wants to gear up my toons so I can hold my own in Heroics and occasional Raids I get invited to, grabbing a few rounds of PvP here and there is good for my gearing and therefore, I do it.

(but, check out this post on the European forums, entitled "How to win Alterac Valley (horde)").

Fastest Honor? Premades

I don't do the premade thing very often, but I do often think about how helpful it would be to find a good premade team to join for those days that Warsong Gulch is the PvP of the day, or for when I need 30+ WSG tokens to buy the PvP equipment I'm looking at. PUG WSG rounds very often tend to be excruciatingly long and drawn out, but a premade can get through the round in a rewarding amount of time.

I suppose Arena teams could also be a fast way to honor, but my personal casual style of play doesn't include an Arena team, as my friends are largely into PvE and it's hard to even convince them to PvP for the benefit of their PvEing. So, I'll have to let someone else comment on that or write about it :)

One battleground I have started to get into premades with is one that you cannot join as a raid or as a group even - Alterac Valley. So then, how in the world do I get into premades with it?

Enter Addon: AV Preform Enabler

AV preform enabler

This addon is apparently only available for Horde-side, at least by this author. I'm sure there's an Alliance version that someone else has created, hopefully someone can leave a comment with its name or link on some repository :)

It's basically an automated way to trigger mass-queuing of everyone in the raid group, using an underlying communication channel subscribed to by the addon itself.

All you, the user, have to do, is have it installed and when you're at the Battleground Master you'll have an option for "Preform AV Enabler". As long as you're in a group and have these windows open, the Raid Leader or Party Leader will be able to queue you and the rest of the team at the same time, hoping to all land in the same Battleground instance.

Why Use It? And Does It Always Work?

I use it mainly because a 40-person PUG generally results in battleground lines full of abuse and whining, and a preform team is at least more silent, with the exception of the non-preform BG members insulting the preform for not winning the round fast enough. And yes, the honor tends to come more quickly because the rounds are faster and more efficient, and thus I don't have to grind PvP endlessly when what I really want to be doing is PvE.

Does it always work? Well, no. There are still plenty of times that I queue for battlegrounds alone because there aren't enough people interested in getting together for a premade/preform yet. If there are enough people to form a decently-sized raid (25-30 ppl), it tends to work well.

One of the big time-wasters, however, is sitting between rounds, watching the Raid Leader add and remove us all from the queue in the hope of getting 95% of us into the same BG round and forcing only a small number of people to manually queue and "hope to get in".

But frankly, I'd rather waste my time sitting there between rounds than waste my time reading players abusing their own teammates and whining constantly while I'm in the battleground itself. #1 is less joy-draining than #2, at least for me.

From having glanced through the Elitist Jerks thread about the topic (linked above), I can see this is quite a hot topic these days. I'm looking forward to the responses I get to this post ;)