Warhammer Online Clocks 500,000 Resgistered Users in One Week!

war is reporting that Warhammer Online has registered 500,000 members making it the fastest selling MMO of all time!


Half a million users have registered to play Mythic's Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning, according to publisher Electronic Arts.

The figures come after only one week on sale, with EA claiming the title is the fastest-selling MMO of all time.

%26quot;In just one week we have a half a million people playing WAR online, and the ranks of Order and Destruction are growing at a record-breaking pace for a new MMORPG,%26quot; offered Mark Jacobs, co-founder of Mythic Entertainment.

Congrats to the team at Mythic!

remember imp. sap from vanilla wow?


imp sap v2

have fun rogues.

Improved Distract was better.

If I'm remembering correctly, Imp Sap made it so that rogues didn't pop out of stealth after sapping something, yes? And it was seen as a necessary talent for all rogues, so much so that it was eliminated and Sap was changed to not break stealth.

How is this glyph for increasing Sap's duration close that that Imp. Sap?

I don't think they're really the same thing. Most PvE encounters you have more than enough time to down adds/etc before the sap wears off.

Wouldn't this be more of a PvP thing? I dunno, I don't see it as being as necessary as Imp Sap was.

Not even close. Imp Sap made sap usable as a crowd control, otherwise its sap pull and maybe the rogue dies maybe he doesn't. Imp Sap altered the mechanics of the skill in a unmistakable way. This won't even get used, if you look at the other glyphs it is completely out classed.

WAR: Witch Elf Masteries

The Witch Elf in Mythic Entertainment's Warhammer Online dances with death, wielding her two daggers with an ease borne of ultimate confidence and her faith in Khaine. Don't get too close, as those blades bite with more than just their sharpened edge. Three Mastery Paths are available to Witch Elves to help them decide in which direction they want to focus their fighting, whether to increase the Carnage, expand the Suffering or stoke the fires of Treachery. All of these Mastery skills can be found right here at Ten Ton Hammer, with everything you need to know to choose your path.

A potion filled from the legendary Cauldron of Blood which fills you with power, increasing your chance to disrupt enemy magic by 100% for 7 seconds.

Witch Elf Masteries

Witch Elf Masteries

Action Points = AP | Blood Lust = BL

Note: All damage and cost numbers scale with rank. The numbers noted here are for comparison value only.

Witch Elf Guide | Witch Elf Abilities

Path of Carnage









Sharpened Edge

Career Tactic






All of your Frenzies will now reduce the victim's armor by 75% for 3 seconds.

Elixir of Insane Power



25 AP




A vile brew which drives you into a rage for the next 7 seconds. All of your attacks will ignore the victim's armor.

Broad Severing

Career Tactic






Sever Limb will now sweep out in an arc in front of you, striking enemies within 20 feet.

Pierce Armor



35 AP

5 ft



A powerful stab that slices through the target's defenses, dealing 35 damage to your target and ignoring all of their armor. If the target suffers from an Ailment, then their armor will also be reduced by 24 for 20 seconds.

Builds 1 Blood Lust

Swift Blades

Career Tactic






Increases your chance to parry attacks by 10%. Each time you parry an attack, you will regain 20 Action Points. This effect will not trigger more than once every 3 seconds.

On Your Knees!



35 AP




You spin around and strike nearby enemies with a pair of quick, punishing attacks which deal damage to victims within 30 feet, and knock them down for 2 seconds.

1 BL = 12 dmg per hit, 2 targets

2 BL = 16 dmg per hit, 3 targets

3 BL = 21 dmg per hit, 4 targets

4 BL = 25 dmg per hit, 5 targets

5 BL = 29 dmg per hit, 6 targets

Requires BL

Costs 20% less AP per BL

Blade Spin



Rank 4 Morale




Deals 320 damage over 5 seconds to all enemies within 30 feet.

Path of Suffering









Kiss of Doom

Career Tactic






Increases the chances for all of your Kisses to trigger by 25%.

Elixir of Blades



25 AP




A powerful witch's brew which hastens your reactions for the next 7 seconds. Any time an enemy strikes you, you will deal 20 damage back to them.

Septic Blade

Career Tactic






Envenomed Blade will now also reduce the victim's chance to critically hit by 25%.

Black Lotus Blade



30 AP

5 ft



A deadly strike which deals 30 damage to your target and infects them with Black Lotus toxin, causing all healing that they receive for the next 10 seconds to become 50% less effective.

Builds 1 BL

Healer's Bane

Career Tactic






All of your Path of Suffering attacks gain a 25% chance to reduce the victim's healing abilities by 75% for 10 seconds.




35 AP




You consume a noxious liquid distilled from blood which fills you with power, causing your next several attacks to each deal an additional 20 Spirit damage to all enemies within 20 ft of your target.

1 BL = 2 attacks

2 BL = 3 attacks

3 BL = 4 attacks

4 BL = 5 attacks

5 BL = 6 attacks

Requires BL

Costs 20% less AP per BL

Fling Poison



Rank 4 Morale




Deals 320 damage over 5 seconds to all enemies in front of you, up to 65 feet away.

Path of Treachery









Swift Movements

Career Tactic






Reduces Feinted Postioning's cooldown time by 40 seconds.

Elixir of the Cauldron



25 AP




A potion filled from the legendary Cauldron of Blood which fills you with power, increasing your chance to disrupt enemy magic by 100% for 7 seconds.

Baneful Touch

Career Tactic






Any time you attack an enemy from the sides or rear, there is a 25% chance that the victim will lose 40 AP.

Heart Seeker



25 AP

5 ft



A shocking strike which deals 45 damage and stuns your target for 3 seconds.

Must be behind target

Builds 1 BL

Masterful Treachery

Career Tactic






After hitting an enemy with Treacherous Assault, Vehement Blades or Enfeebling Strike, you will deal 20% more damage for 10 seconds.

Sacrificial Stab



35 AP

5 ft



You offer up your target as a sacrifice, stabbing them twice and healing yourself for all damage that you dealt.

Must be behind targetRequires BL

Costs 20% less AP per BL

Overwhelming Dread



Rank 4 Morale




All enemies within 30 feet instantly lose 125 AP, and will regain AP 50% more slowly for the next 10 seconds.

Post subject: Cross Pairing Queuing-Now Available


Your feedback is very important to us and it's always our goal to make your play experience an even more enjoyable one.

In response to popular demand, you'll now be able to queue for all of the scenarios available in your current tier, across all three pairings. For instance, if you're in Nordland, you can queue for the Nordenwatch scenario as usual. You can also queue up for Khaine's Embrace (the Tier 1 scenario in the High Elf vs. Dark Elf pairing) and the Gates of Ekrund (the Tier 1 scenario on the Dwarf vs. Greenskin pairing), all without leaving Nordland. No travel is required at all; just click the WAR symbol on your interface as you normally would, and use the arrows at the top of the window to scroll through the different scenarios.

We know many have been waiting for this feature and we have a lot more great additions coming on the horizon. We look forward to your continued feedback as we work to take WAR to the next level%26hellip;WAAAGH!!!

WAR: Swordmaster Masteries

Call the High Elves a snoody or sissy race if you'd like but nobody questions one carrying a huge sword around. A unique type of tank, the Swordmaster can hold their own in battle using a variety of taunts and shield moves. What kind of special skills can this powerhouse utilize? We have your complete list of Mastery abilities right here.

Patch 1.01 Preview, WarDB Guild Syndication

or those of you familiar with other websites on the Curse Network, you'll recall that we try to provide daily news for the games we support. Warhammer Alliance will be no different, as starting today we're beginning what we hope to be a daily recap of all the recent developer posts, official news, and pieces from the community.

Mark Jacobs on patch 1.01 (Source)


Originally Posted by Mark Jacobs


Later tonight we'll be posting the patch notes for tomorrow's version. And being the impatient person that I am, I thought I'd take a wee bit of the goodness and good news from the notes and post them here. Again, this is *not* a preview of the entire patch notes but just some of the cool bits. Snarkiness/explanation from yours truly in BOLD.

1) Players no longer need to scroll down through the EUALA when logging into the game. The window now defaults to the bottom, and players need only check the Agreement box and click accept. And much rejoicing was heard throughout the streets. It's still there and you still have to accept it but we are no longer going to require the scrolling bit for now.

2) The war against the gold sellers continues! We have made improvements to the Appeal system to allow players to report spam messages from gold sellers more quickly. This is only another way we are trying to fight these guys and make it as easy on you folks as possible. We're not there yet but we'll get there.

3) TAB-targeting should now more consistently select the nearest enemy in the player's field of view. I know, some of you have heard this before but this version is better than the last version.

4) The /ignore command will now work more consistently. While /ignore worked well most of the time and for most people it was a bit quirky. Hopefully it isn't quirky anymore.

5) We have made several improvements to the chat window, and it should now be more intuitive to use and set up.

6) Player pets have learned to behave themselves. Yes, they have been sent back to obedience school more than once but hey, these things have a mind of their own at times. Bad Simba, bad lion.

7) The delay between sending multiple mails has been reduced from 20 seconds to 5 seconds. This is another one of those %26quot;first step%26quot; things.

8) A feature has been added to User Settings which allows players to auto loot corpses by default.

9) Corrected an issue that was preventing players from adding new friends to their friend list even while the number of existing friends was below the list's size limit. All together now, let's say bug!

Lots more in the tonight's patch notes but please keep in mind that this version is heavily focused on bug fixes and needed improvements but not on the kind of %26quot;OMG look at what they added!%26quot; stuff. That will come later but for now, our focus is on fixing stuff and not adding lots of new stuff that could break the game.



WarDB Guild Roster Syndication (Source)


Today we introduced a highly requested syndication feature to WarDB.com: Guild Rosters! You can now publish your guild roster from WarDB onto your guild's website quickly and easily, by following these steps. This is the latest but definitely not the last for syndication, and we will no doubt improve guild syndication in the coming weeks and months based on community feedback.

You can also add Tooltip integration and a Search Box to your website if you'd like -- allowing your visitors to not only share item links with tooltips directly on your website, but also search WarDB.com!

Head over to the Vengeance roster page to check out an example, or stop by the roster syndication page to learn how to display your guild's roster on your website!

We've created a feedback thread specifically for the Guild Roster Syndication feature, so please head over to the thread and let us know what you think!

How many new dungeons will be in the expansion?

The first dungeon players will enter is Utgarde Keep, which is intended for five players around level 70. Utgarde is inhabited by the Vrykul, a Viking-like race bent on proving their strength to the Lich King, who will raise the most worthy of their warriors to serve him beyond the grave. We intend to provide a variety of dungeons comparable to that in The Burning Crusade and will be revealing more details about some of these in the months ahead.

WOW Lich King Collector's Edition: Details

As suspected, WotLK will have a Collector's Edition! If you tried to get your hands on one of these for TBC, you'll know these will be in short supply around the release date, so make sure you pre-order one as soon as they become available.

Here's a sneak peak at what will be in the Collector's Edition:

World of Warcraft: The Wrath of the Lich King on DVD-ROM.

The Art of World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King, a 208-page book featuring never-before-seen images from the game.

An exclusive in-game pet: Frosty, the baby frost wyrm.

A behind-the-scenes DVD containing over an hour of developer interviews, the Wrath of the Lich King intro cinematic with director's commentary, and more.

The official soundtrack CD, containing 21 epic tracks from the game, along with exclusive bonus tracks.

A mouse pad featuring a map of the newly opened continent of Northrend.

Two World of Warcraft Trading Card Game March of the Legion%26trade; starter decks, along with two exclusive cards available only in the Collector's Edition.

The behind-the-scenes DVD will offer developer interviews and commentary on all aspects of the creation of Wrath of the Lich King, as well as trailers and cinematics from the game, and even footage of panel discussions from BlizzCon 2007.

Collector's Edition owners will also be able to take their adventures from the computer to the tabletop with two starter packs for the World of Warcraft Trading Card Game -- one for themselves and one to share with a friend. In addition, Collector's Edition owners will receive two exclusive tournament-legal World of Warcraft Trading Card Game cards to incorporate in their decks or trade with other World of Warcraft TCG players.

With the Collector's Edition-exclusive in-game pet, Frosty the baby frost wyrm, you'll be the envy of your guildmates and other players as you roam the expanses of Northrend.

A soundtrack CD with stirring music from the expansion pack, a beautiful coffee table book with exclusive concept art, and a Northrend-themed mouse pad round out the wealth of bonus items available in the Collector's Edition of World of Warcraft: The Wrath of the Lich King.

US Players' Level 1 Race Today - Race Details

The first of our level 1 US player races takes place later today. All you need to do to take part is have a naked level 1 character at the time and place listed below. The first two players to the finishing line today win a beta key and Tyrael's Hilt [http://wowdigger.com/i/39656]. Here are the details:

The race will begin at 18.00 (server time), at the entrance to the Ruins of Lordaeron on the US server Boulderfist (You are advised to be there a few minutes early, as we will not be delaying the race for late-comers!).

You must be level 1 Undead and have no weapons or armor equipped.

Anyone seen to be wearing anything will be politely removed from the raid group. If you die during the race, you will be removed from the raid group.

The destination and details of how to win will be revealed at the start of the race.

We will be running another race at the same time tomorrow, so if you miss this one, you get another chance then. Good Luck!

Wow Power Leveling http://Goleveling.com/

Age of Reckoning: Part 4 - The Dark Powers March

Two months after the fall of Karak Eight Peaks, the High King's army sets out to drive the invading greenskins from the World's Edge Mountains. As the Dwarfs march south along the slopes of the great volcano Karag Dron, the world suddenly grows dim. In the sky above, the sun begins to darken and the landscape is bathed in an eerie, unnatural light the color of deep crimson.

From atop the tallest spire in Naggarond, replica watches Malekith watches the Chaos moon, Morrslieb, eclipse the sun. His spies in the Old World have relayed messages confirming the success of the greenskin attack on the Dwarfs. The Witch King's plans are unfolding precisely as arranged.

Far to the north, out of sight of the eyes of men, a great black warhost erupts from the tempestuous Chaos Wastes. Swarms of grotesque creatures march in ranks alongside regiments of warriors and marauders, all led by a Chaos Lord bearing the banner of Tzeentch.

In the Empire, terror and panic erupt at the sight of the red eclipse. Riots and fires break out in every district of Altdorf. The city guard is hard-pressed to contain the situation, but the eclipse soon passes and by nightfall, order is restored. swiss replica watches The event is not forgotten, however, and many citizens of the Empire, shaken by what they believe to be an omen of terrible events to come, pack their belongings and depart their homes hoping to find shelter in the mountains to the south and east. A growing sense of doom hangs over the people of the Empire, and hope for any respite from the plague is smothered by the fearful sight of the red eclipse.

For the Dwarf army marching to reclaim the fortress at Karak Eight Peaks, the eclipse seems to confirm a dread that has been growing within them. The black sun in the crimson sky is a stinging reminder of the loss of Karak Eight Peaks to the Bloody Sun Boyz, and seems to be a symbol of the inevitable victory of the greenskin horde now gathering there. Have the last days of the Dwarfs finally come? knock off watches Resigned to their doom, the grim-faced warriors trudge across the harsh, mountainous terrain.

In Altdorf, the Emperor receives the High King's message and orders several regiments into the mountains to assist the Dwarfs. Though he sorely needs the troops to secure his borders and combat the spread of anarchy in his realm, Karl Franz is honor-bound to respect the pledge made by Sigmar never to refuse aid to a Dwarf. Just then, an outrider delivers a report from the north -- a great Chaos army is on the march, and will reach the Empire's borders within a week.

Assessing his deployments in Nordland and Ostland, Karl Franz realizes that the picture is desperately bleak. The plague has thinned the ranks of his armies, wreaked havoc with supply lines and decimated the morale and industry of his people. The Empire is ripe for conquest, and will fall quickly without help. The Dwarfs cannot possibly send warriors to protect the Empire. If they do not recapture the fortress at Karak Eight Peaks quickly, they might never do so again. Only the High Elves can save his people now.

Prince Tyrion

Prince Tyrion

%26copy; Games Workshop 2000-2006

Summoning his most trusted Griffon rider, the Emperor composes a letter beseeching the ruler of the High Elves for assistance. When the messenger arrives in Lothern, Finubar, Phoenix King of Ulthuan, is already well aware of the Empire's plight and has been making preparations to send troops. Finubar summons Prince Tyrion, a warrior and general without peer among his people, and charges him with the defense of the High Elf lands. Confident that his realm will be secure , the Phoenix King sets sail at the head of a flotilla of Elven warships. From the Straits of Lothern the vessels pass into the Great Western Ocean carrying hundreds of the most skilled warriors among the High Elves. When word of the Phoenix King's departure reaches Malekith's ears, the Witch King gives the order to begin the invasion of Ulthuan.

In the dead of night, a great fleet of Black Arks sets out from Naggaroth. As the floating fortresses approach the shores of Ulthuan, the invasion force splits in two, with one half bearing down on the Blighted Isles while the other steers south for the Straits of Lothern. Soon, legions of Dark Elf warriors spill forth onto the shores of their ancestral homeland.

In Karak Eight Peaks, a great greenskin Waaagh! is building. In the northern reaches of the Empire, the servants of Tzeentch have already marched deep into Ostland and are laying waste to everything in their path. Prince Tyrion's army has raced north to engage the marauding Dark Elves, only to learn that a second invasion force has begun a siege of Lothern.

Recognizing that the only way to counter the threats arrayed against them will be to combine their strengths, the leaders of the Empire and the nations of the Dwarfs and the High Elves convene a great Council of Wisdom in the Imperial capital of Altdorf. At this summit, the three rulers forge a pact that their peoples shall fight as one and strike back at the enemies who would conquer their homelands.

The Age of Reckoning has begun.

Age of Reckoning: Part 2 - Dark Omens

Meanwhile, in the Dark Elf kingdom of Naggaroth, the Seers of Ghrond continue their unceasing study of the distant Chaos Maelstrom. Suddenly, there is a marked shift in the nebulous swirls of color and shape. The Seers watch intently, studying the ominous new patterns. When they are confident of their readings, the Seers dispatch a messenger south to Naggarond aboard a swift Black Pegasus. Great events are about to unfold in the world, and the Witch King must be informed.

Malekith, Lord of the Dark Elves

Malekith, Lord of the Dark Elves

%26copy; Games Workshop 2000-2006

Days later, Malekith, Lord of the Dark Elves, reads the dispatch from Ghrond. The Chaos god Tzeentch has found himself a new Champion. The followers of the Changer of Ways have assembled a great warhost for his herald and are preparing to launch a massive incursion into the lands of men, the Empire his likely target.

Malekith ponders the message. He is well aware of the terrible plague sweeping through the Old World. If the forces of Chaos launch an attack while the Empire is weakened by the plague, the Emperor will have no choice but to call upon the nearby Dwarfs for reinforcement. With the aid of the Dwarfs, it is possible the Chaos host might be turned back. If, however, the folk of the mountains are unable to come to the Empire's defense, Emperor Karl Franz will be forced to turn to the High Elves of Ulthuan. Malekith is doubtful that his kinsmen will abandon the great nation of men in its hour of need, for doing so might deprive the High Elves of a valuable ally. No... the High Elves will respond, and will likely send several legions of warriors to repulse the Chaos attack, leaving Ulthuan vulnerable.

When the Chaos moon eclipses the light of the sun, the dispatch concludes, the forces of Chaos will begin their march southward. Time is short, and there is much to do.

The Witch King commands that every forge and furnace in the realm be brought to bear in the crafting of weapons, armor and siege machines. The Beastmasters of Karond Kar are ordered to select the strongest and most ferocious creatures in their pens and ready them for battle. The fierce Witch Elves of Khaine prepare for bloody sacrifice to the Lord of Murder. Morathi, the Hag Queen, summons forth the most powerful Sorceresses from the Convents and trains them to lead the armies of the Dark Elves. As his people prepare for the coming war, Malekith draws up his plans against the Dwarfs.

Orc Fort Aerial

A party of the finest hunters and warriors in Naggaroth are dispatched to the lands of the greenskins with a single directive: bring back the most powerful Orc Warboss that can be found.

When the hunting party returns with both an Orc and a Goblin, Malekith is surprised. It seems the two are inseparable, jointly leading a powerful new tribe calling themselves the %26quot;Bloody Sun Boyz%26quot;. The goblin shaman, Gazbag, provides the brains while the towering brute of an Orc, Grumlok, supplies the muscle. For each, Malekith forges a magical amulet that greatly amplifies the wearer's abilities. In addition, the Witch King secretly includes a spell of command that will compel the two leaders to gather their tribe and march east into the World's Edge Mountains. There, they will capture the fortress at Eight Peaks and build a mighty Waaagh! to eradicate the Dwarfs. This being done, he commands his warriors to return the captive greenskins to their home.

His plan set in motion, Malekith waits for news from the World's Edge Mountains. With the Dwarfs occupied by the fight against the coming greenskin Waaagh!, they will be unable to answer the Emperor's call for help when the Chaos army reaches his borders. The High Elves will sail east for the Old World, and Malekith will launch his attack. At last, the Witch King will claim the birthright denied him for millennia by his weak-blooded kin. The Throne of Ulthuan will be his.