Rogue Leveling Guide

Rogues are considered to be one of the most powerful DPS classes in the game. As such, you%26#8217;ll find that for example compared to a priest, leveling from 1 to 40 using a rogue is considerably faster than leveling 1 to 40 with a priest.

Dominate the Battlegrounds

Battleground PVP Success

That%26#8217;s me in second place in Alterac Valley with 26 kills and just one death, after using this PVP guide which detailed offensive and defensive class specific tactics. I practically just melted everyone with my lightning bolts and chain lightnings. Most of my kills are in 1v1 action by the way. Click here to check out the PVP guide.

Just like all the guides, I%26#8217;d like to point you to some tips which can maximize your DPS (damage output) which is the single most important thing which brings the best results in leveling faster.

What spec?

Sword or Mace Combat/Assassination is the weapon and spec of choice for the leveling rogue as it allows you to sustain a high amount of DPS on your enemies without relying too much on positional attacks (very important since mobs will always want to face you).

With Swords or Maces all you have to do is to Smash away Sinister Strike until the mobs drop like flies. For the leveling rogue may I suggest that you drop daggers altogether and train swords/maces.

You can find your friendly weapon trainer in Ironforge (Mace) and Stormwind (Swords) for the Alliance and Thunderbluff (Mace) and Undercity (Swords). There may be other trainers out there in Azeroth but this is where I got them.

Talent Specs:

With that said here are some talent sets you should consider as you level your way to 70:

  • Level 1 to 39

  • Level 40 and beyond (respec)

Now if you do choose to level with daggers (because you%26#8217;re stubborn like that), I suggest that you make sure to maximize your burst DPS because leveling with daggers will make it harder for you to outlast your enemies with a sustained DPS.

Attack Sequence

A popular combo for starting fights is:

Cheap Shot > Slice and Dice > Sinister Strike x 5 > Rupture/Eviscerate

Of course you%26#8217;re not limited to that but it is one of the more popular attack sequences out there .

Rogues in Action

Here%26#8217;s a souped up level 19 Rogue:

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Here%26#8217;s another cool one:

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For me this is one of the most awesome I%26#8217;ve seen in a long time:

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