Karazhan Raid Boss Video: Attumen The Huntsman

Most people these days start their raiding experiences with Karazhan, and possibly even this boss, Attumen the Huntsman.

However, as a Mage, I found it easy to gear up past Karazhan standards with my own Tailored gear topped up with Heroics Badge gear, and my first raiding experience in Karazhan was the mana-intensive fight against Nightbane, and then I headed straight into 25-toon raids.

Therefore, it's fun to grab my lesser-geared Hunter in order to go %26#8220;back%26#8221; to Karazhan and Gruul's Lair and Magtheridon's Lair, because I really didn't get a chance to get sick of them ;)

Bluehairmage's videos

Yay raid videos are fun, but I'm running out of music...

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