The Darkmoon Faire Is Coming To Town

The Darkmoon Faire is being set up right now, in Elwynn Forest.

It'll be there for a week, starting officially on Monday and packing up after the last day of festivities on Sunday.

The Faire will be visited by a wide variety of players, myself included, even though it's way off in Alliance territory and it's quite a ride to the nearest Horde settlement.

What will I be there for?

Cheap Fel Lotus on occasion (4g ea vs the 30-45g ea in the auction house here), and for my Priest to get her Darkmoon Card: Blue Dragon from the Beasts Deck I picked up in the Auction House this morning for 2000g.

Forget Farming UBRS.

Yes, I bought the deck. I figured after finding out where the Ace was located in UBRS and how I'd have to bring a few friends each time to get past certain parts of the instance to get to the guy who drops the Ace (2% of the time, so not even a high percentage drop...), I'd buy it if it came up at a reasonable price.

I've seen the Ace on its own come up for over 1500g, so when I saw the full deck for 2000g (versus the Blessing Deck for my Mage which sits at 3500g and still sits there according to me), I hopped over to a toon that has unlimited access to my guild bank funds, withdrew 2000g and bought the deck.

It's now in my Priest's mailbox, and I've sent my retired Warrior over to Goldshire to scout out the status of the Faire (even though I know it starts tomorrow). Tomorrow my Priest will venture over to the Faire ground herself and pick up this new trinket.

Incremental Improvements

That's sure to bring her over 200 on the Be Imba! %26#8220;Gear-o-meter%26#8221;, and will be a nice trinket to use clear through most of WoTLK's levelling portion at the very least, I would expect.

After these recent SSC and TK groups I've filled a spot with for a couple guilds lately, I do think about actually improving my Mage's gear again. Perhaps I'll work towards getting the Blessings Deck which turns into the Darkmoon Card: Crusade for my Mage for the next time the Faire comes to town... which I think will be closer to home, in Mulgore if I'm not mistaken.

Am I the only one that thinks these Card names were shuffled? Shouldn't Blessings be for a Priest or Paladin, while a Beast be for Melee or perhaps Hunter class?

Whatever. The trinkets are high end and give me somewhere useful to spend the gold I accumulate with my family of toons, and in the end that's what counts.

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