Ode to the Everlasting Underspore Frond

How I love thee, Everlasting Underspore Frond.

How many times have you fed my pet? How many times have you given me free food and water for my questing? How many times have you been the only mana-restorative thing I had, when all water had been depleted in an especially heal-heavy dungeon run?

A thousand times easily, and I love you more every time I turn my attention to you and you lovingly provide.

What IS The Everlasting Underspore Frond?

In short, it's a non-equippable quest reward from Oh, It's On! which is a Sporeggar rep quest that you can get once you're Neutral with them.

Once you get it, it sits in your inventory and takes up space. ;)

What's It Do?

It produces 10 Underspore Pods which, when eaten like a Conjured Manna Biscuit, heal both mana and health at the same time - just over 4k of each.

The food itself is a fungus, I believe, and thus can be fed to pets that eat fungus foods. I had a Dragonhawk from Shadowmoon Valley for a while around 68-70 on my Hunter, and the pods were its main source of food for a while.

The Frond itself has a 12h cooldown, so if you use it regularly, you can get 20 per day.

Is It Worth The Bag Slot Space To Carry Around?

Yes. I don't use my Underspore pods or the Frond very often, but when I do, it's often a bit time or life-saver.

I've used it in dungeons where bringing 40 water wasn't enough for the entire run because the group was highly chaotic or undergeared and required a lot of healing.

I've used it when pet food was a zone away and I didn't want to spend the time traveling there and back because I was already on a limited schedule.

I've used it while soloing or while taking friends through dungeon instances.

I've saved a heck of a lot of money and time just by having that nifty little thing in my inventory for emergencies.

And, I've made sure to get it on every one of my toons as they go through Outland.

Do YOU have your Everlasting Underspore Frond?

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