Naxx Attunement: I?m Attuned, Now What?

Weird, I actually wrote this back in June but for some reason didn't publish it... maybe I've missed something I meant to link here, or I meant to have an image that never made it... at any rate, here's the post :)

AOE Farming Stratholme (undead side)

In Undead StratholmeI'm on a quest to get the Piccolo of the Flaming Fire, but I really didn't know Stratholme very well when I headed into it, so I kind of bumbled around for a while, happily working on my AOE instance grinding skills and trying to avoid the patrols that make mage AOE tremendously difficult.

Eventually I broke down and looked up a Map of Stratholme and found where Hearthsinger Forresten spawned, and found he was marked as %26#8220;roaming%26#8221;.

Only, the times I've found him, replica watches Hearthsinger is quite stationary. It seems to me that he isn't a Roamer more than a %26#8220;rare%26#8221; spawn (that spawns each time I've been in) who spawns in different spots each reset.

Drops the Piccolo of Flaming FireTwice he's reset just under the sign for the Kirtonos Bros. Funeral Home, and once he was to the East of that locale, but again located at a junction in the dungeon itself. He seems to like to hang out near busy corners, but he watches the action from afar and isn't a part of it.

At any rate, I'd just knock off watches %26#8220;/target hearth%26#8221; once in a while and when the target worked, I knew I was nearby and started to look around a little more closely. Once I found him, he was easy to take down - he shot a few arrows at me and ran towards me but I had already Frostbolted his ass to the wall so he never reached me.

Naxx Attunement On The Side

Since I got to Honored with Argent replica rolex submariner eta Dawn during these farming sessions (my Mage had largely avoided WPL/EPL in favor of quickly getting into the Outland and had only been Lvl 23 when the BC expansion came out), I looked up the Naxxaramus Attunement requirements and found them to be tremendously simple with a bit of cash and appropriate stocks in the AH:

In Eastern Plaguelands, in Light's Hope Chapel, find Archmage Angela Dosantos. If you're level 70 like me, she won't have an exclamation mark over her head anymore.

Depending on your reputation level with Argent Dawn, she'll give you a quest to gather materials and come back to her. If you're Exalted with Argent Dawn, there are no materials to turn in, you can just complete the quest and be attuned:


5x Arcane Crystal

2x Nexus Crystal

1x Righteous Orb

60 gold


2x Arcane Crystal

1x Nexus Crystal

30 gold



Turn it in, and you're done!

This one is super simple compared to, say, the Onyxia attunement chain, which maybe I'll look to next. Doing regular quests seems to bore me at 70, but attunements are fun :)

My Last Questions

Now that I'm attuned, is there any way anyone can tell that by looking at my profile?

If I were to join a Naxx PUG would I know the leaders can at least have some way to check to see if people joining are attuned?

Even though I have no idea how to get into Naxx...

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