Druid hits 40, Gains Moonkin Dance ;

Heya folks!

I've had some great feedback on the last couple of entries I did which were inspired by some dungeon runs on my soon-to-be-40 caster/healer Druid, and I'll certainly be writing more entries to cover some of the things people mentioned in the notes! Thanks for the comments, they're always fun to read :)

And to those who have youngsters who play WoW in a chaperoned manner (and kept out of PUGs), I tip my hat to you! There's a time and a place for every stage of your child's social education :)

Druid Hits 40, Goes Boomkin

As is standard with me, I advance my lowbies when they have rest bonus to spend, and then park them in the Inn to regain rest bonus in between.

I gave some love to my Druid recently, doing some quests in the Badlands while subscribed to the LFG channel looking for a group for the dungeon instance of Uldaman. After a previous Uldaman run (with a one-target tank who would tell us to focus fire but not mark anything and not tag all of the mobs, so the moment I healed the Hunters were on top of getting aggro off of me, but the tank didn't move off of his one target), I was 2 bubbles away from level 40, so I ground that out while collecting Coyote Jaws.

I had just finished hitting 40 (the level that used to mean more than it does now, since you can get your first mount at level 30 as of a recent patch) and spending my talent point in the Balance tree to get Moonkin form when I was invited to another Uldaman run.

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I figure I'll stay in the Balance tree with Moonkin as my primary questing form, but offer myself as a caster/healer for dungeon runs. Quite often I find it's better to be this combination because more and more, I'm NOT the primary healer for the PUG, and am only providing backup heals in emergencies. This works for me, as doing the occasional solo quest while waiting for a party to form is much easier as a DPS form!

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