Mount Hyjal, Rage Winterchill

I'm still just catching up with posting old videos that I had partially processed when I visited my family last time and was stuck on 56k or without Internet entirely when their %26#8220;out in the boonies%26#8221; phone service was out due to a downed line that had to be fixed.

I've got a set of 10 videos coming out that aren't raid videos - when you hear me talking on the video, you know that's one of the 10 I was talking about working on a week back. The series that is upcoming will talk about Vendor goods that can be bought and resold for nice profits in the Auction House, but for now, you get my raid video... :)

WoWGrrl's WoW Videos at WeGame

This article is %26copy; WebGrrl Enterprises - visit WoWGrrl's World of Warcraft blog for more tips and tricks, videos and writings about World of Warcraft.

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