Pillar of Ferocity vs Wildfury Greatstaff

I've been very fortunate now to get the top two bear weapons: the Wildfury Greatstaff from trash in SSC and the Pillar of Ferocity from Anetheron in Hyjal. What's better for bears?

Pillar of Ferocity vs Wildfury Greatstaff:

+274 armor
+230 HP
-2.86% dodge

+161 attack power
+46 (+5%) white damage according to DrDamage

So it's an upgrade across the board except losing the dodge. Emmerald's gear lists value dodge very highly, so his analysis says the Pillar of Ferocity isn't quite as good for survivability. I can't decide if I believe that or not. Dodge doesn't help with crushing blows, the biggest threat to a bear's life. And while an extra lucky dodge can be the difference between life and death, the extra HP and armor will smooth out our damage profile and risk of being killed.

I'm going to switch to the Pillar of Ferocity for now. The extra threat is undebatable, and lately I've been feeling the need for more hit points. And of course the most important thing is the Pillar of Ferocity looks totally awesome. As my guildmate said, %26quot;like a gay woodsman's coatrack%26quot;.