Patch 2.4.2 final notes

The 2.4.2 %26quot;scaredy cat%26quot; patch is out. Here's the bits from the installed client notes relevant to druids. The only really big change is Scare Beast; that's going to totally suck for ferals in PvP.

  • Talent: Primal Fury (Rank 2) will now be properly unlearned when it is untalented.

  • Scare Beast: The range on this spell has been increased to 30 yards and it is now instant cast.

  • Fear Ward will no longer be consumed while under the effects of cyclone.

  • Blade Flurry and Sweeping Strikes can no longer hit critters as its secondary targets and will now use a proper range calculation for all secondary targets.
    (Doesn't affect Druids, but were these changes made to Swipe in a previous patch?)

  • Removed the cooldown from Void Shatter.
    (Enormous change to the market for Large Prismatic Shards. Enchants should get cheaper now.)

  • The Shadowy Disguise will no longer be applied to druids while they are in Moonkin or Tree of Life form for the Quests, “Who Are They?”

  • Karazhan: Nightbane’s Charred Earth ability will now properly deal Fire damage.
    (This will make it more important for bear tanks to get out of the Charred Earth.)

  • Magister's Terrace: Vexallus and Kael'thas are no longer immune to taunt on Normal difficulty.

  • The Cursed Vision of Sargeras now gives the buff, “Sense Demons” which can be canceled normally. Additionally hunters and druids are able to track two things at once while using the item.

  • Shattered Sun Pendant of Might: The triggered effect from this item will no longer break Scatter Shot or other crowd-controlling affects. The visual on the Scryer version has been updated.
    (Should make Maim a little more reliable.)

  • The Romantic Picnic Basket will now display the blanket properly.
    (If you go out in the woods today, you better go in disguise.)