First look at ferals in WotLK

Wrath of the Lich King is in its first big test. And stuff is leaking right and left. You can read a roundup of all leaked info if you want to gorge yourself. The most interesting part of that was a URL (no longer working) to a download of the WotLK client itself. No doubt most of the leak info is coming from data mining that mistaken release.

As for us ferals, here's a link to the new talent trees. I also liked this WoWinsider analysis. One thing that leapt out at me; Survival of the Fittest now reduces the chance to be critically hit by 6%. Right now bosses only crit you 5.6% of the time. So either bears no longer need defense gear, or else they're changing the PvE combat table to have more crits. I took a quick stab at a minimal feral spec; 54 of 71 talent points spent. Note that didn't include any resto talents; in BC we usually take 14 points there.

Update: Blizzard's apparently unhappy about the WotLK leaks and is asking people to remove the info. The talent tree I linked to doesn't work anymore, although if you look hard enough you can still find the info. Poor Blizzard; no way to keep the genie in the bottle.