Sha'tari Skyguard Tips


I remember getting excited about these guys when the announcement came. Skettis, a place high above the Terokkar Forest that needed a flying mount to get to and for level 70's to quest in - that seemed really great to me. When it came out it wasn't exactly what I hoped but it still is a neat place to quest.

Aside from gaining reputation to gain access to some of the rewards the Shat'ari Skyguard have to offer, Skettis is actually more famous as one of the locations where a level 70 can do daily quests to earn more gold for that epic flying mount or for those materials for that crafted epic gear or anything whatsoever. Ogri'la in Blade's Edge Mountains is another place where the Sha'tari Skyguard can be found though that's really more the home of the ogres that stay there.

I admit I don't know everything about the Sha'tari Skyguard so the tips released on the WoW Community Site was helpful in finding out more about this faction. I'm sure if you're looking for more information about them, those tips will be very helpful. And remember to steer clear of those pesky monstrous kaliris while doing your quests in Skettis!