Patch 3.02 Confirmed For Release Today

It's no big surprise really that Patch 3.02 is coming out today since season 4 of the Arena Tournament was scheduled to end today and we all just did the math. But it's still great to put all the speculations to rest and get some confirmation from a "Blue". That's exactly what WoW EU Blizzard poster Slorkuz did!

This means that the next time you get to see your characters, all their talent trees are going to look very different. If you haven't decided on a spec yet, the current downtime is a great time to do some last minute spec shopping. That's exactly what I'm doing now since I pretty much gave up really working on the specifics of the build I want back when the talents kept changing. Since all the talents trees are going to be different, all our talents points will be refunded. This is a great time to experiment and try out other specs that you find interesting. Or you could stay true with pretty much the same spec you have, just modified for patch 3.02 and later on the Wrath of the Lich King expansion. Which will it be?

With new talents coming out, which are you doing?