Mining Will Improvements Soon


Mining is a b*tch to level. That's a generally accepted fact! My highest level miner is only in the low 200's and unfortunately it's my level 52 female undead warlock I shelved so I could re-roll a blood elf one since I just couldn't stand her looks much longer. One thing I hate about mining is that you have to keep picking at the ore to exhaust it. It gets boring and it's too much work. I like herbalism better since you just need to pick the patch once and you're done. But I guess the real problem is once you start mining mithril, an already difficult gathering profession seems to become even more difficult. The devs seem to agree based on this post by the CM Drysc.

Concerning there being some leveling bumps for mining nearing the end of pre-BC, it's planned to be smoothed out along with other professions. Some professions have already seen changes in this regard, and we're certainly planning to continue them so that there's no need to stop leveling, go back and a zone, and do circuits until you're caught up. That really shouldn't be necessary, and yes, tag huer knock offs isn't fun.

In general those changes mean lengthening the amount of time each type of ore would give skill ups, so that you can consistently get skillups or even go a bit beyond where you should be for your level before you have to move on, smoothing the transitions.

Maybe that was really the main issue and spawning some lesser complaints, I don't know, he never came back to post again. source

It's good to replica watches know that mining will be seeing some improvements. Hopefully this change will make mining less of a b*tch to level. Of course I don't mind it maintaining some of it's difficulty especially since it's a great money maker as a knock off watches breitling gathering profession.

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